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Yii2 Basic模板-如何从mysql数据库登录

[英]Yii2 Basic template - How to login from mysql database

我试图在Yii基本模板中实现用户模型和LoginForm模型,以验证用户登录。 我创建了一个数据库并连接到它。 数据库是表用户,并使用值填充了名为用户名,密码,authKey和acessToken的字段。 从ActiveRecord扩展了用户模型并实现了\\ yii \\ web \\ IdentityInterface,以使内置的Yii2函数发挥作用。 还写了这个方法:

public static function tableName() { return 'user'; }





namespace app\models;

use Yii;
use yii\base\Model;

 * LoginForm is the model behind the login form.
class LoginForm extends Model
    public $username;
    public $password;
    public $rememberMe = true;

    private $_user = false;

     * @return array the validation rules.
    public function rules()
        return [
            // username and password are both required
            [['username', 'password'], 'required'],
            // rememberMe must be a boolean value
            ['rememberMe', 'boolean'],
            // password is validated by validatePassword()
            ['password', 'validatePassword'],

     * Validates the password.
     * This method serves as the inline validation for password.
     * @param string $attribute the attribute currently being validated
     * @param array $params the additional name-value pairs given in the rule
    public function validatePassword($attribute, $params)
        if (!$this->hasErrors()) {
            $user = $this->getUser();

            if (!$user || !$user->validatePassword($this->password)) {
                $this->addError($attribute, 'Incorrect username or password.');

     * Logs in a user using the provided username and password.
     * @return boolean whether the user is logged in successfully
    public function login()
        if ($this->validate()) {
            return Yii::$app->user->login($this->getUser(), $this->rememberMe ? 3600*24*30 : 0);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Finds user by [[username]]
     * @return User|null
    public function getUser()
        if ($this->_user === false) {
            $this->_user = User::findByUsername($this->username);

        return $this->_user;



namespace app\models;

use yii\db\ActiveRecord;

class User extends ActiveRecord implements \yii\web\IdentityInterface
    public $id;
    public $username;
    public $password;
    public $authKey;
    public $accessToken;

    public static function tableName() { return 'user'; }

     * @inheritdoc
    public static function findIdentity($id) {
        $user = self::find()
                    "id" => $id
        if (!count($user)) {
            return null;
        return new static($user);

     * @inheritdoc
    public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $userType = null) {

        $user = self::find()
                ->where(["accessToken" => $token])
        if (!count($user)) {
            return null;
        return new static($user);

     * Finds user by username
     * @param  string      $username
     * @return static|null
    public static function findByUsername($username) {
        $user = self::find()
                    "username" => $username
        if (!count($user)) {
            return null;
        return new static($user);

     * @inheritdoc
    public function getId() {
        return $this->id;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function getAuthKey() {
        return $this->authKey;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function validateAuthKey($authKey) {
        return $this->authKey === $authKey;

     * Validates password
     * @param  string  $password password to validate
     * @return boolean if password provided is valid for current user
    public function validatePassword($password) {
        return $this->password === $password;



不要弄乱siteController actionLogin()因为它等于高级模板,我认为保持这种方式是正确的。


public function validatePassword($attribute, $params)
    if (!$this->hasErrors()) {
        $user = $this->getUser();

        if (!$user || !$user->validatePassword($this->password)) {
            $this->addError($attribute, 'Incorrect username or password.');

我不想放弃,但是我正在考虑回到旧的Yii1.xx。 在那里,我可以轻松地查询数据库,并使良好的登录系统正常工作。





namespace app\controllers;

use Yii;
use yii\filters\AccessControl;
use yii\web\Controller;
use yii\filters\VerbFilter;
use app\models\LoginForm;
use app\models\ContactForm;
use yii\helpers\url;

class SiteController extends Controller
    public function behaviors()
        return [
            'access' => [
                'class' => AccessControl::className(),
                'only' => ['logout'],
                'rules' => [
                        'actions' => ['logout'],
                        'allow' => true,
                        'roles' => ['@'],
            'verbs' => [
                'class' => VerbFilter::className(),
                'actions' => [
                    'logout' => ['post'],

    public function actions()
        return [
            'error' => [
                'class' => 'yii\web\ErrorAction',
            'captcha' => [
                'class' => 'yii\captcha\CaptchaAction',
                'fixedVerifyCode' => YII_ENV_TEST ? 'testme' : null,

    public function actionIndex()
        return $this->render('index');

    public function actionLogin()
        if (!\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
            return $this->goHome();

        $model = new LoginForm();
        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->login()) {
            return $this->redirect(Url::toRoute(['contacto/index'])); 
        } else {
            return $this->render('login', [
                'model' => $model,

    public function actionLogout()

        return $this->goHome();

    public function actionContact()
        $model = new ContactForm();
        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->contact(Yii::$app->params['adminEmail'])) {

            return $this->refresh();
        } else {

                return $this->redirect(Url::toRoute(['contacto/create2']));

    public function actionAbout()
        return $this->render('about');

    public function actionSkills()
        return $this->render('skills');

    public function actionPortfolio()
        return $this->render('portfolio');

    // tradução do site
    public function beforeAction($action) {
        if (Yii::$app->session->has('lang')) {
            Yii::$app->language = Yii::$app->session->get('lang');
        } else {
            Yii::$app->language = 'us';
        return parent::beforeAction($action);

    public function actionLangus(){  
        Yii::$app->session->set('lang', 'us'); //or $_GET['lang']
        return $this->redirect(Url::toRoute(['site/index']));   

    public function actionLangpt(){  
        Yii::$app->session->set('lang', 'pt'); //or $_GET['lang']
        return $this->redirect(Url::toRoute(['site/index']));


class User extends ActiveRecord implements \yii\web\IdentityInterface
public $id;
public $username;
public $password;
public $authKey;
public $accessToken;

因此,$ user-> password将为空。 您实际上不是在声明值,而是使用魔术方法来获取值……使用它们时,它们将始终为空。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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