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[英]Azure Virtual Machine has no endpoint

我试图从我的ASP.NET MVC Web应用程序中的模板创建VM。 因此,我编写了一个包含4个步骤的操作(我添加了一些注释以使其更易于理解)

public ActionResult QuickCreateVM(string VirtualMachineName, string OSImage, string Username, string Password)
    string Location = "North Europe";
    string StorageAccountName = "azuremanagersharepoint"; 

        ComputeManagementClient client = new ComputeManagementClient(cloudCredentials);
        string vmName = VirtualMachineName;

        //STEP1:Create Hosted Service 
        //Azure VM must be hosted in a  hosted cloud service. 
        createCloudService(vmName, Location);

        //STEP2:Construct VM Role instance 
        var vmRole = new Role();
        vmRole.RoleType = VirtualMachineRoleType.PersistentVMRole.ToString();
        vmRole.RoleName = vmName;
        vmRole.Label = vmName;
        vmRole.RoleSize = VirtualMachineRoleSize.Small;
        vmRole.ConfigurationSets = new List<ConfigurationSet>();
        vmRole.OSVirtualHardDisk = new OSVirtualHardDisk()
            MediaLink = getVhdUri(string.Format("{0}.blob.core.windows.net/uploads", StorageAccountName)),
            SourceImageName = OSImage

        ConfigurationSet configSet = new ConfigurationSet
            ConfigurationSetType = ConfigurationSetTypes.WindowsProvisioningConfiguration,
            EnableAutomaticUpdates = true,
            ResetPasswordOnFirstLogon = false,
            ComputerName = vmName,
            AdminUserName = Username,
            AdminPassword = Password,
            InputEndpoints = new BindingList<InputEndpoint> 
                new InputEndpoint { LocalPort = 3389, Port = 3389, Name = "Remote Desktop", Protocol = "TCP", EnableDirectServerReturn = true }


        vmRole.ResourceExtensionReferences = null;

        //STEP3: Add Role instance to Deployment Parmeters 
        List<Role> roleList = new List<Role>() { vmRole };
        VirtualMachineCreateDeploymentParameters createDeploymentParams = new VirtualMachineCreateDeploymentParameters
            Name = vmName,
            Label = vmName,
            Roles = roleList,
            DeploymentSlot = DeploymentSlot.Production

        //STEP4: Create a Deployment with VM Roles. 
        client.VirtualMachines.CreateDeployment(vmName, createDeploymentParams);
    catch (CloudException e)

        throw e;
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw ex;

    return View("Panel");

我的问题:看来我的VM没有端点。 尽管ConfigurationSet配置正确。 所以,在我的代码中,我说

new InputEndpoint { LocalPort = 3389, Port = 3388, Name = "Remote Desktop", Protocol = "TCP", EnableDirectServerReturn = true }

但是在天蓝色的门户中 没有配置端点 因此我无法启动Vm。 有谁知道我想念的东西吗? 或是否有关于此主题的好的教程? 先感谢您


您需要使用ConfigurationSetTypeConfigurationSetTypes.NetworkConfiguration创建其他ConfigurationSet ,然后在其中添加端点。


ConfigurationSet networkConfigSet = new ConfigurationSet
    ConfigurationSetType = ConfigurationSetTypes.NetworkConfiguration,
    InputEndpoints = new BindingList<InputEndpoint> 
        new InputEndpoint { LocalPort = 3389, Port = 3389, Name = "Remote Desktop", Protocol = "TCP", EnableDirectServerReturn = true }        






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