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[英]How to check at compile-time if a function that can be called with a specific set of arguments exists?

这与检查是否定义了特定功能不同。 这里,为了使该检查返回true ,必须定义该函数,并且传递某种类型的参数应该导致有效的调用。

示例:对于函数f和类型为T &&的参数,如果f是直接或通过隐式转换(类型为T &&的参数)接受的有效函数,则检查应返回true

void f(int &) {};

int main(int argc, char **av)
    isFunctionCallable<int>(f); // true because `int i; f(i);` is valid.
    isFunctionCallable<int &&>(f); // false because `int i; f(std::move(i));` is invalid.
    return 0;


利用C ++ 11,可以使用SFINAE, decltypestd::declval的混合来完成。

template<typename ...>
struct Bool
{ using type = bool; };

template<typename ... T_Dummies>
using BoolT = typename Bool<T_Dummies ...>::type;

template<typename T>
struct DeclvalType
    using type = typename std::conditional<
        T &

template<typename T>
using DeclvalTypeT = typename DeclvalType<T>::type;

template<typename T>
struct ExtractFunction;

template<typename T_Return, typename ... T_Args>
struct ExtractFunction<T_Return(T_Args ...)>
{ using type = T_Return(T_Args ...); };

template<typename T_Return, typename ... T_Args>
struct ExtractFunction<T_Return(*)(T_Args ...)>
{ using type = T_Return(T_Args ...); };

template<typename T, typename T_Return, typename ... T_Args>
struct ExtractFunction<T_Return(T::*)(T_Args ...)>
{ using type = T_Return(T_Args ...); };

template<typename T, typename T_Return, typename ... T_Args>
struct ExtractFunction<T_Return(T::*)(T_Args ...) const>
{ using type = T_Return(T_Args ...); };

template<typename T>
using ExtractFunctionT = typename ExtractFunction<T>::type;

template<typename ... T, typename T_Function>
constexpr auto
impl(T_Function function) ->
            (std::declval<DeclvalTypeT<T>>() ...)
{ return true; }

template<typename ... T>
constexpr bool
{ return false; }

template<typename ... T, typename T_Function>
constexpr bool
isFunctionCallable(T_Function function)
{ return impl<T ...>(function); }


using T = Default (empty struct with implicit constructors):

  |                                |                                                                                                                                 |
  |        Function signature      |                                                          Argument type                                                          |
  |                                |                                                                                                                                 |
  |                                |  T  |  const T  |   volatile T  |   const volatile T  |  T &  |  const T &  |   volatile T &  |   const volatile T &  |   T &&  |
  |  function(T)                   |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(const T)             |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(volatile T)          |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(const volatile T)    |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(T &)                 |  x  |           |               |                     |   x   |             |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(const T &)           |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(volatile T &)        |  x  |           |       x       |                     |   x   |             |        x        |                       |         |
  |  function(const volatile T &)  |  x  |     x     |       x       |          x          |   x   |      x      |        x        |           x           |         |
  |  function(T &&)                |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |    x    |

using T = NonCopiable:

  |                                |                                                                                                                                 |
  |        Function signature      |                                                          Argument type                                                          |
  |                                |                                                                                                                                 |
  |                                |  T  |  const T  |   volatile T  |   const volatile T  |  T &  |  const T &  |   volatile T &  |   const volatile T &  |   T &&  |
  |  function(T)                   |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(const T)             |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(volatile T)          |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(const volatile T)    |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(T &)                 |  x  |           |               |                     |   x   |             |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(const T &)           |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(volatile T &)        |  x  |           |       x       |                     |   x   |             |        x        |                       |         |
  |  function(const volatile T &)  |  x  |     x     |       x       |          x          |   x   |      x      |        x        |           x           |         |
  |  function(T &&)                |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |    x    |

using T = NonMovable:

  |                                |                                                                                                                                 |
  |        Function signature      |                                                          Argument type                                                          |
  |                                |                                                                                                                                 |
  |                                |  T  |  const T  |   volatile T  |   const volatile T  |  T &  |  const T &  |   volatile T &  |   const volatile T &  |   T &&  |
  |  function(T)                   |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(const T)             |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(volatile T)          |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(const volatile T)    |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(T &)                 |  x  |           |               |                     |   x   |             |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(const T &)           |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(volatile T &)        |  x  |           |       x       |                     |   x   |             |        x        |                       |         |
  |  function(const volatile T &)  |  x  |     x     |       x       |          x          |   x   |      x      |        x        |           x           |         |
  |  function(T &&)                |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |    x    |

using T = NonCopiableNonMovable:

  |                                |                                                                                                                                 |
  |        Function signature      |                                                          Argument type                                                          |
  |                                |                                                                                                                                 |
  |                                |  T  |  const T  |   volatile T  |   const volatile T  |  T &  |  const T &  |   volatile T &  |   const volatile T &  |   T &&  |
  |  function(T)                   |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(const T)             |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(volatile T)          |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(const volatile T)    |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(T &)                 |  x  |           |               |                     |   x   |             |                 |                       |         |
  |  function(const T &)           |  x  |     x     |               |                     |   x   |      x      |                 |                       |    x    |
  |  function(volatile T &)        |  x  |           |       x       |                     |   x   |             |        x        |                       |         |
  |  function(const volatile T &)  |  x  |     x     |       x       |          x          |   x   |      x      |        x        |           x           |         |
  |  function(T &&)                |     |           |               |                     |       |             |                 |                       |    x    |

例如,我们可以从这些表中推断出类型T的参数不能传递给以T &&作为参数的函数。 或者该function(T &&)只接受T &&类型的参数。




#define overload_set(F)\
  struct { auto operator()(auto&&...args)const\
     { return (F(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...)); }\


它并不完美:它只能通过SFINAE测试完美转发。 但它很接近。


template<class T,class=void>struct can_invoke:std::false_type{};
template<class F,class...Args>
struct can_invoke<F(Args...),


typedef overload_set(Foo) Foo_overloads;
std::cout << can_invoke<Foo_overloads(int, int) >::value<<"\n";

如果Foo(3,2)有效,将打印1 如上所述,这受到完美转发失败的限制。



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