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[英]Recursive inheritance with variadic templates


#include <iostream>

struct ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const = 0;

template <int> struct ActionType;

template <> struct ActionType<0> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<0>::foo(int) called.\n";}

template <> struct ActionType<1> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<1>::foo(int) called.\n";} 

template <> struct ActionType<2> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<2>::foo(int) called.\n";}

template <> struct ActionType<3> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<3>::foo(int) called.\n";}

template <> struct ActionType<4> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<4>::foo(int) called.\n";}

template <int...> struct PossibleActions;

template <> struct PossibleActions<> { void operator()(int) const {} };

template <int First, int... Rest>
struct PossibleActions<First, Rest...> : ActionType<First>, PossibleActions<Rest...> {
    void operator()(int a) const {

// Anything that can call ActionType<2>::foo(int) can also call ActionType<3>::foo(int).
struct Object : PossibleActions<1,  2,3,  4> {
    void foo(int a) {PossibleActions<1,2,3,4>()(a);}

struct Blob : PossibleActions<0,  2,3,  4> {
    void foo(int a) {PossibleActions<0,2,3,4>()(a);}

int main() {
    Object object;
    object.foo(12);  // ActionType<1>::foo(int) called  ActionType<2>::foo(int) called   ActionType<3>::foo(int) called  ActionType<4>::foo(int) called
    std::cout << std::endl;

    Blob blob;
    blob.foo(12);  // ActionType<0>::foo(int) called  ActionType<2>::foo(int) called   ActionType<3>::foo(int) called  ActionType<4>::foo(int) called
    std::cout << std::endl;

它运行除了这里是问题:任何可以调用ActionType<2>::foo(int)也可以调用ActionType<3>::foo(int) 因此,每次我定义一个新类时,如果我使用2或3,我必须在PossibleActions<I...>使用它们。 这对于维护当然是有问题的(比如说我将来决定使用2还必须使用3,7和20)。 以下解决方案:

using TwoAndThree = PossibleActions<2,3>;
struct Object : PossibleActions<1,4>, TwoAndThree {
    void foo(int a) {PossibleActions<1,4>()(a);  TwoAndThree()(a);}

struct Blob : PossibleActions<0,4>, TwoAndThree {
    void foo(int a) {PossibleActions<0,4>()(a);  TwoAndThree()(a);}

是不可接受的,因为我需要按数字顺序调用ActionType<N>::foo(int) 分裂PossibleActions<1,4>()(a); 是一个非常糟糕的解决方案,因为它遇到了相同的维护问题(我认为维护更糟糕)。

template <> struct ActionType<2> : ActionOption { virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<2>::foo(int) called.\n";} };
template <> struct ActionType<3> : ActionType<2> { virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<3>::foo(int) called.\n";} };

由于歧义而无法编译(并且使用虚拟继承没有帮助),我想不出别的什么。 有这个问题的解决方案吗?

也许用template <typename... Args> struct PossibleActions;重新定义template <typename... Args> struct PossibleActions; 但随后失去了递归。


相关问题:有没有办法用Args执行递归...其中一些类型是int但有些类型不是(以及那些不使用递归定义这些类型的int)? 例如

PossibleActions<1, TwoAndThree, 4, EightAndTen, 20>()(a);

根据需要迭代1,2,3,4,8,10,20,因为TwoAndThree = PossibleActions<2,3>EightAndTen = PossibleActions<8,10> ??? 如果可能,那将解决问题。

归功于Piotr。 S这个解决方案(我希望我可以给他积分,但他喜欢隐藏他的惊人因为某些原因)。 虽然他的第二个解决方案也很好,但我更喜欢他的第一个解决方案提供的语法。 他的Sort结构必须用

template <typename, typename...> struct Sort;

template <typename T, typename A, typename B>
struct Sort<T,A,B> {
    using type = typename Merge<T,A,B>::type;

template <typename T, typename First, typename Second, typename... Rest>
struct Sort<T, First, Second, Rest...> {
    using type = typename Sort<T, typename Sort<T, First, Second>::type, Rest...>::type;

所以我为他做了那件事。 这允许语法

struct Widget : Sort<PossibleActions<0,5>, OneAndFour, TwoAndThree>

我更喜欢。 我也在模板中添加了模板模板:

#include <iostream>

namespace Detail {
    template <typename T, typename, typename, T...> struct Merge;

    template <typename T, template <T...> class S, T... Ks>
    struct Merge<T, S<>, S<>, Ks...> {
        using type = S<Ks...>;

    template <typename T, template <T...> class S, T... Is, T... Ks>
    struct Merge<T, S<Is...>, S<>, Ks...> {
        using type = S<Ks..., Is...>;

    template <typename T, template <T...> class S, T... Js, T... Ks>
    struct Merge<T, S<>, S<Js...>, Ks...> {
        using type = S<Ks..., Js...>;

    template <typename T, bool, typename, typename, T...> struct Strip;

    template <typename T, template <T...> class S, T I, T... Is, T J, T... Js, T... Ks>
    struct Strip<T, true, S<I, Is...>, S<J, Js...>, Ks...> {
        using type = Merge<T, S<I, Is...>, S<Js...>, Ks..., J>;

    template <typename T, template <T...> class S, T I, T... Is, T J, T... Js, T... Ks>
    struct Strip<T, false, S<I, Is...>, S<J, Js...>, Ks...> {
        using type = Merge<T, S<Is...>, S<J, Js...>, Ks..., I>;

    template <typename T, template <T...> class S, T I, T... Is, T J, T... Js, T... Ks>
    struct Merge<T, S<I, Is...>, S<J, Js...>, Ks...> : Strip<T, (I > J), S<I, Is...>, S<J, Js...>, Ks...>::type {};

    template <typename, typename...> struct Sort;

    template <typename T, typename A, typename B>
    struct Sort<T,A,B> {
        using type = typename Merge<T,A,B>::type;

    // Piotr S.'s Sort generalized to accept any number of template arguments.
    template <typename T, typename First, typename Second, typename... Rest>
    struct Sort<T, First, Second, Rest...> {
        using type = typename Sort<T, typename Sort<T, First, Second>::type, Rest...>::type;

template <typename... P>
using Sort = typename Detail::Sort<int, P...>::type;

struct ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const = 0;

template <int> struct ActionType;

template <> struct ActionType<0> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<0>::foo(int) called.\n";}

template <> struct ActionType<1> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<1>::foo(int) called.\n";} 

template <> struct ActionType<2> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<2>::foo(int) called.\n";}

template <> struct ActionType<3> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<3>::foo(int) called.\n";}

template <> struct ActionType<4> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<4>::foo(int) called.\n";}

template <> struct ActionType<5> : ActionOption {
    virtual void foo(int) const override {std::cout << "ActionType<5>::foo(int) called.\n";}

template <int...> struct PossibleActions;

template <> struct PossibleActions<> { void operator()(int) const {} };

template <int First, int... Rest>
struct PossibleActions<First, Rest...> : ActionType<First>, PossibleActions<Rest...> {
    void operator()(int a) const {

using OneAndFour = PossibleActions<1,4>;
using TwoAndThree = PossibleActions<2,3>;

struct Thing : PossibleActions<0,1,2,3,4> {
    void foo(int a) {PossibleActions<0,1,2,3,4>::operator()(a);}

struct Object : Sort<PossibleActions<1,4>, TwoAndThree> {
    void foo(int a) {Sort<PossibleActions<1,4>, TwoAndThree>()(a);}

struct Blob : Sort<PossibleActions<0,4>, TwoAndThree> {
    void foo(int a) {Sort<PossibleActions<0,4>, TwoAndThree>()(a);}

struct Widget : Sort<PossibleActions<0,5>, OneAndFour, TwoAndThree> {
    void foo(int a) {Sort<PossibleActions<0,5>, OneAndFour, TwoAndThree>()(a);} 

int main() {
    Thing thing;
    thing.foo(12);  // ActionType<0>::foo(int)  ActionType<1>::foo(int) called  ActionType<2>::foo(int) called   ActionType<3>::foo(int) called  ActionType<4>::foo(int) called
    std::cout << std::endl;

    Object object;
    object.foo(12);  // ActionType<1>::foo(int) called  ActionType<2>::foo(int) called   ActionType<3>::foo(int) called   ActionType<4>::foo(int) called
    std::cout << std::endl;

    Blob blob;
    blob.foo(12);  // ActionType<0>::foo(int) called  ActionType<2>::foo(int) called   ActionType<3>::foo(int) called   ActionType<4>::foo(int) called
    std::cout << std::endl;

    Widget widget;
    widget.foo(12);  // ActionType<0>::foo(int) called  ActionType<1>::foo(int) called   ActionType<2>::foo(int) called   ActionType<3>::foo(int) called   ActionType<4>::foo(int) called   ActionType<5>::foo(int) called

但请注意,如果原始包本身未排序,则解决方案实际上会失败。 在执行上述操作之前,这可能需要帮助分拣机结构首先在原始包上使用。


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