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[英]can you use call or apply with new?


但不尽相同,我尝试将SO答案应用于未正确调用时John Resig强制构造函数的问题

function User(first, last){ 
  if ( !(this instanceof User) )
    // the line I want to replace, or remove the redundancy from:
    return new User(first, last);

  this.name = first + " " + last; 

var name = "Resig"; 
var user = User("John", name); 

assert( user, "This was defined correctly, even if it was by mistake." ); 
assert( name == "Resig", "The right name was maintained." );

代码的目标行意味着,每次构造函数更改时,都必须记住要更改内部自调用参数。 在过去的三天内,我已经进行过3次有关此问题的项目旅行。

链接的问题中的所有示例都讨论传递constructor ,但是在这种情况下, constructor是什么? 甚至还没有完成定义。


我如何确保调用构造函数时,即使没有使用new关键字调用时,也能正确响应instanceof User ,同时又避免了参数参数的重复?



function User(first, last){ 
  var rv;

  if ( !(this instanceof User) ) {
    // They called us without `new`: Create an object backed by `User.prototype`:
    rv = Object.create(User.prototype);

    // Now, call this function applying the arguments
    User.apply(rv, arguments);

    // Return the object
    return rv;

  // Normal constructor stuff    
  this.name = first + " " + last; 


function constructWith(obj, ctor, args) {
    if (obj instanceof ctor) {
        return null;
    obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
    ctor.apply(obj, args);
    return obj;


function User(first, last){ 
  var rv;

  if ((rv = constructWith(this, User, arguments)) != null) {
      return rv;

  // Normal constructor stuff    
  this.name = first + " " + last; 


function User(first, last){ 
  var rv;

  if (this instanceof User) {
    // They (probably) used `new`, all is good, use `this`
    rv = this;
  } else {
    // They didn't use `new`, create an object backed by `User.prototype`
    rv = Object.create(User.prototype);

  // ...use `rv`, not `this`, from here on

  rv.name = first + " " + last; 

  // This is important for the case where they didn't use `new`, and harmless
  // in the case where they did.
  return rv;



function useOrConstruct(obj, ctor) {
    return obj instanceof ctor ? obj : Object.create(ctor.prototype);


function User(first, last){ 
  var rv = useOrConstruct(this, User);

  // ...use `rv`, not `this`, from here on

  rv.name = first + " " + last; 

  // This is important for the case where they didn't use `new`, and harmless
  // in the case where they did.
  return rv;

选择3: constructOMatic


function User() {
    return constructOMatic(this, User, arguments, function(first, last) {
        this.name = first + " " + last;

... constructOMatic是:

function constructOMatic(obj, ctor, args, callback) {
    var rv;
    if (!(obj instanceof ctor)) {
        obj = Object.create(ctor.prototype);
    rv = callback.apply(obj, args);
    return rv !== null && typeof rv === "object" ? rv : obj;

现在,您可以将this用于回调中的内容。 在末尾的return中摆弄rv vs. obj是为了模仿new的行为( new表达式的结果是由new运算符创建的对象, 除非构造函数返回一个非null对象引用,在这种情况下优先)。


if (!Object.create) {
    Object.create = function(proto, props) {
        if (typeof props !== "undefined") {
            throw "The two-argument version of Object.create cannot be shimmed.";
        function ctor() { }
        ctor.prototype = proto;
        return new ctor; // Yes, you really don't need () (but put them on if you prefer)

复制和粘贴非常简单,代码干净。 您无需更改它。

如果您接受eval ,则可以这样进行:

function User(first, last){ 
  if ( !(this instanceof arguments.callee) ) {
    var name = arguments.callee.name;
    var param = [].map.call(arguments,function(e,i){return 'arguments['+i+']';});
    return eval('new '+name+'('+ param +')');

  this.name = first + " " + last;

var user1 = User("John", "Resig");
var user2 = new User("John", "Resig");

没有eval ,您可以这样操作:

function instantiate(C,a){
        case 0: return new C();
        case 1: return new C(a[0]);
        case 2: return new C(a[0],a[1]);
        case 3: return new C(a[0],a[1],a[2]);
        case 4: return new C(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);
        default : throw("too many arguments");

function User(first, last){ 
  if ( !(this instanceof arguments.callee) ) {
    return instantiate(arguments.callee, arguments);

  this.name = first + " " + last;

var user1 = User("John", "Resig");
var user2 = new User("John", "Resig");

在ECMAScript 6中,可以使用传播运算符将带有new关键字的构造函数应用于参数数组:

"use strict";
function User(first, last){ 
  if ( !(this instanceof User) ) {
    return new User(...arguments);

  this.name = first + " " + last;


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