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[英]update two tables at the same time postgresql


我想同时更新两个表。 两种更新都可以应用,因为它们具有相同的条件。


UPDATE standards.standards
SET description = 'The student will demonstrate positive self esteem.'
WHERE description LIKE 'The student will demonstrate positive his/her self esteem.' 
AND custom_code LIKE 'qwertyuiop';

UPDATE bank SET description = 'The student will demonstrate positive self esteem.'
WHERE description LIKE 'The student will demonstrate positive his/her self esteem.'
AND designation LIKE 'asdfghjkl';

我只想在一个sql语句中更新它们。 这是我做的事情,但由于POSTGRESQL不允许同时更新两个表而出现错误。

UPDATE standards.standards ss, bank bb
SET description = 'The student will demonstrate positive self esteem.'
WHERE description LIKE 'The student will demonstrate positive his/her self esteem.'
AND (ss.custom_code LIKE 'qwertyuiop' OR bb.designation LIKE 'asdfghjkl');

你能帮我吗? 我只需要一个sql语句。 谢谢!

这样做是没有意义的,因为无论如何您都不会自动实现它。 它不会解决无法用更好的方法解决的任何问题(例如,如果您不想发送两次,则使用参数作为值)。

例如,您可以使用视图一次更新两个表。 但同样,它不会是原子的。 您仍然需要适当的事务处理,以确保它能够按预期工作。

您可以为此编写一个FUCTION ,请考虑您的当前信息。 作为一个例子来展示

create table standards (description text,custom_code text);
insert into standards 
values ('hai','AA'),
       ('how are you ?','AA'),
       ('The student will demonstrate positive his/her self esteem.','qwertyuiop');

create table bank (description text,designation text);
insert into bank 
values ('Am','BB'),
       ( 'The student will demonstrate positive his/her self esteem.' ,'asdfghjkl');


create or replace function update_tables(_desc text, /*-- your value to update i.e The student will demonstrate positive self esteem.*/
                                         _WDesc text,  /*-- your value to use in where clause  i.e 'The student will demonstrate positive his/her self esteem.' */
                                         _custom_code text, /* this AND custom_code LIKE 'qwertyuiop'; goes here */
                                         _designation text /* this AND designation LIKE 'asdfghjkl'; goes here*/
returns void as 
/* add two update queries inside this function */
/* 1 Updating  table standards*/
'update standards 
 set description = _desc
 where description like  _WDesc and 
        custom_code like _custom_code;'
/* 2 Updating  table bank*/
'update bank 
 set description = _desc 
 where description like  _WDesc and 
      designation like _designation;'
language sql

这是您的一个 sql命令来更新两个表

select update_tables ('The student will demonstrate positive self esteem.',
                      'The student will demonstrate positive his/her self esteem.',



为此,必须使用“ ON UPDATE CASCADE ”选项创建表,或者如果已经使用以下命令填充了表,则可以对其进行更改:

ALTER TABLE child_table
   DROP CONSTRAINT child_table_myField_fkey,
   ADD CONSTRAINT child_table_myField_fkey FOREIGN KEY (myField, ...)
      REFERENCES mother_table(myField, ...) ON UPDATE CASCADE;



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