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[英]sql to get intersection in a many to many relation

我有2个表CG ,以及包含2列c.id and g.id的多对多关联表CG 我要执行的查询是:

find the set of names in G that are common to a given set of names in C.

说, c1链接到g1g2c2链接到g2g3 ,我要求{c1, c2}的公共集,答案是{g2} {c1, c2}将带有WHERE ... IN子句。

是否有任何表述此查询的指针,而不使用PL / SQL?

您可以使用group byhaving来完成此操作。 这是一般结构:

select g.id
from cg
where c.id in (. . .)
group by g.id
having count(distinct case when c.id in (. . .) then c.id end) = # items in list


select g.id
from cg
where c.id in (1, 3, 5, 7)
group by g.id
having count(distinct case when c.id in (1, 3, 5, 7) then c.id end) = 4 


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