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[英]Java, how to stop inheriting classes from calling a particular abstract class constructor, apart from one of them?


抽象类有两个构造函数。 我希望其中一个构造函数只能在一个特定的具体类中调用。


public abstract class SuperState {
    public final long mValue;
    protected SuperState(long value) { mValue = value; }
    protected SuperState(SuperState last) { mValue = last.mValue + 1; } 

public class FirstState extends SuperState {
    public FirstState() { super(0); }

public class SecondState extends SuperState {
    public SecondState(SuperState last) { super(last); }

public class ThirdState extends SuperState {
    public ThirdState(SuperState last) { super(last); }

我想让它成为任何子类(除了FirstState之外)的编译时(或至少运行时)错误,以调用SuperState(long value)构造函数。



我想你不清楚你在做什么。 你说SuperState有一个只能从一个特定实现调用的构造函数。 为什么? 那个子类特别吗? 为什么其他实现不应该这样称呼?


public abstract class SuperState {
  public final long mValue;
  private SuperState(long value) { mValue = value; }
  protected SuperState(SuperState last) { mValue = last.mValue + 1; } 
  public static class FirstState {
    //Can call SuperState(long) from here

如果这对您来说不合适,那么您可能应该打开两个构造函数。 如果在我看来,你正在制作一个类似链的结构,那么你可能甚至不希望将FirstState作为可访问的类:

public abstract class SuperState {
  public final long mValue;
  private SuperState(long value) { mValue = value; }
  protected SuperState(SuperState last) { mValue = last.mValue + 1; } 
  private static class FirstState extends SuperState {
    private FirstState() { super(0); }
  public static SuperState getFirstState() { return new FirstState(); }


protected SuperState(long value) 
    if (!this.getClass().getName().equals("SomeConcreteClassName"))
        throw new SomeException ();
    mValue = value; 


我认为实现它的唯一方法是使用“朋友”的模拟。 诀窍是在FirstState拥有私有Value类,只能由FirstState 其他类可以看到FirstState.Value类,但无法实例化它。

abstract class SuperState {
    public final long mValue;
    protected SuperState(FirstState.Value value) { mValue = value.value; }
    protected SuperState(SuperState last) { mValue = last.mValue + 1; } 

class FirstState extends SuperState {
    public static class Value { private Value() {} }
    private static Value value = new Value();

    public FirstState() { super(value); }

class SecondState extends SuperState {
    public SecondState(SuperState last) { super(last); }


package a;

public abstract class SuperState {
    public final long mValue;
    SuperState(long value) { mValue = value; } // constructor has default access modifier
    protected SuperState(SuperState last) { mValue = last.mValue + 1; } 

package a;

public class FirstState extends SuperState {
    public FirstState() { super(0); }

package b;
// is not able to access constructor SuperState(long) ie. calling contructor
// SuperState(long) will result in compile time error
public class SecondState extends SuperState {
    public SecondState(SuperState last) { super(last); }


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