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用于在 Typescript 中使用绝对类型编写猫鼬的类型化模型和模式的类和接口

[英]classes and interfaces to write typed Models and schemas of Mongoose in Typescript using definitelytyped

我如何使用类和接口在 Typescript 中使用 absolutetyped 编写类型化模型和模式。

import mongoose = require("mongoose");

 //how can I use a class for the schema and model so I can new up
export interface IUser extends mongoose.Document {
name: String;

export class UserSchema{
name: String;

var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String
export var User = mongoose.model<IUser>('user', userSchema);


  1. 定义 TypeScript,它将定义我们的逻辑。
  2. 定义接口(我将其命名为 Document):这是mongoose将与之交互的类型
  3. 定义模型(我们将能够查找、插入、更新...)


import { Document, Schema, model } from 'mongoose'

// 1) CLASS
export class User {
  name: string
  mail: string

  constructor(data: {
    mail: string
    name: string
  }) {
    this.mail = data.mail
    this.name = data.name
  /* any method would be defined here*/
  foo(): string {
     return this.name.toUpperCase() // whatever

// no necessary to export the schema (keep it private to the module)
var schema = new Schema({
  mail: { required: true, type: String },
  name: { required: false, type: String }
// register each method at schema
schema.method('foo', User.prototype.foo)

// 2) Document
export interface UserDocument extends User, Document { }

// 3) MODEL
export const Users = model<UserDocument>('User', schema)

我将如何使用它? 假设代码存储在user.ts ,现在您可以执行以下操作:

import { User, UserDocument, Users } from 'user'

let myUser = new User({ name: 'a', mail: 'aaa@aaa.com' })
Users.create(myUser, (err: any, doc: UserDocument) => {
   if (err) { ... }
   console.log(doc._id) // id at DB
   console.log(doc.name) // a
   doc.foo() // works :)


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