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我将如何仅使用if else语句(no for,do / while等)使此代码循环一定次数? (C ++)

[英]how would i make this code loop a certain amount of times only using if else statements (no for, do/while,etc.)? (c++)

今天,我们要分配随机数字游戏。 老师告诉我们,我们只能使用到目前为止所学到的东西。 我们没有学习任何循环,所以我只能使用if / else。 我如何仅使用if / else语句使随机数游戏循环8次并在8结束时显示答案?


int main(){
   int Guess;
   cout << "Guess my number!\n\n";
   cout << "Enter a number between 1 and 100. \n";
   cin >> Guess;

   unsigned Number = time(0);
   const int Min = 1, Max = 100;
   Number = (rand() % (Max - Min + 1)) + Min;
   int tries = 8;

   if (Guess < Number && tries > 0){
      tries -= 1;
      cout << "guess is lower than the number! try again. tries:" << tries << endl;
      cin >> Number;
   else if (Guess > Number&& tries>0){
      tries -= 1;
      cout << "guess is higher than the number! try again. tries:" << tries << endl;
      cin >> Number;
      cout << "your answer is right the number is:" << Number << endl;

   if (tries == 0){ 

      cout << "number is: " << Number << endl; 
      return 0;
   return 0;


如果/线性非常线性,我不认为您真的可以回到使用它们的开始,也许您的老师表示您可能必须重复相同的行8次,这似乎有点多,但是如果您将代码更简单,这可能很简单,您是否必须告诉玩家他们的猜想是更大还是更小,也许您可​​以给他们8次尝试,让他们猜测1到20之间的数字,我认为没有while / for循环这样做不是一个好习惯,如果您仅使用循环,它将使一切变得更简单。

我认为没有任何方法可以使用if-else块进行循环。 我猜你的老师正在给你这个练习,这样你就可以欣赏循环了。 无论如何,这是一个使用开关盒的简洁解决方案。

int main() {
    int Guess;
    cout << "Guess my number!\n\n";
    cout << "Enter a number between 1 and 100. \n";
    cin >> Guess;

    unsigned Number = time(0);
    const int Min = 1, Max = 100;
    Number = (rand() % (Max - Min + 1)) + Min;
    int tries = 8;

    switch (tries) {
        case 8:
            if (Guess == Number) {
                cout << "your answer is right the number is:" << Number << endl;
            } else if (Guess < Number) {
                cout << "guess is lower than the number! try again. tries:" << tries << endl;
            } else {
                cout << "guess is higher than the number! try again. tries:" << tries << endl;
            cin >> Guess;
        case 7:
            if (Guess == Number) {
                cout << "your answer is right the number is:" << Number << endl;
            } else if (Guess < Number) {
                cout << "guess is lower than the number! try again. tries:" << tries << endl;
            } else {
                cout << "guess is higher than the number! try again. tries:" << tries << endl;
            cin >> Guess;
            // repeat code
        case 1:
            if (Guess == Number) {
                cout << "your answer is right the number is:" << Number << endl;
            } else if (Guess < Number) {
                cout << "guess is lower than the number! try again. tries:" << tries << endl;
            } else {
                cout << "guess is higher than the number! try again. tries:" << tries << endl;
            cin >> Guess;
            if (Guess == Number) {
                cout << "your answer is right the number is:" << Number << endl;
            } else {
                cout << "number is: " << Number << endl;
    return 0;

由于我真的不知道您在课堂上所学的内容,因此只列出了一些选项。 有许多种“循环”:

  • 使用标签goto循环。
  • for循环
  • while循环
  • do {} until循环
  • 展开的循环(又名复制粘贴)
  • 递归
    • 您还可以通过从可执行文件内部调用可执行文件来使用递归
    • 你可以尝试调用main()从内main()和使用参数,或者全局或static的计数器变量。

请记住,也有可能您错过了课堂上快速涵盖的内容,而这些内容不在第1-4章中。 您说:在课堂上书中都有涉及。


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