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C ++读取字符串分段错误

[英]C++ reading string segmentation fault

我正在编写一个程序,该程序将输入字母消息,并使用该类构建摩尔斯电码字符串,然后输出该字符串。 我已经编写了所有方法,并且程序可以正常编译。 但是,当我输入临时字符串并按回车键时。 我遇到了细分错误。 我似乎找不到问题。 如果有人看到问题所在,我将不胜感激。 谢谢。

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

class Code
  Code();  // Default constructor - loads and uses morse code
  string decode(vector< string> message);  // decodes a message 
  string encode(vector<char> message); // encodes a message

  vector<string> codewords; // this is a codeword vector parallel to A-Z
  vector<char> alpha; // this is the vector for A-Z
  vector<char>  alphacode(); // function builds the vector alpha - A B C etc.
  vector<string>  morsecode(); // function builds the vector codewords containing morse code
  char decode(string c); //returns the character for the codeword c.
  string encode(char c);

Code::Code() {
    alpha = alphacode();
    codewords = morsecode();

string Code::decode(vector< string> message) {
    string temp;
    for (int i=0; i < message.size(); i++) {
        temp += decode(message[i]);
    return temp;

string Code::encode(vector<char> message)
    string temp;
    for (int i=0; i<message.size(); i++)
    return temp;

vector<string> Code::morsecode()
{ // This function returns a vector containing the morse code
 vector<string> temp(28);
 temp[0] =".-";
 temp[1] ="-...";
 temp[2] ="-.-.";
 temp[3] ="-..";
 temp[4] =".";
 temp[5] ="..-.";
 temp[6] ="--.";
 temp[7] ="....";
 temp[8] ="..";
 temp[9] =".---";
 temp[10] ="-.-";
 temp[11] =".-..";
 temp[12] ="--";
 temp[13] ="-.";
 temp[14] ="---";
 temp[15] =".--.";
 temp[16] ="--.--";
 temp[17] =".-.";
 temp[18] ="...";
 temp[19] ="-";
 temp[20] ="..-";
 temp[21] ="...-";
 temp[22] =".--";
 temp[23] ="-..-";
 temp[24] ="-.--";
 temp[25] ="--..";
 temp[26] =".......";
 temp[27] ="x";
 return temp;

vector<char> Code::alphacode()
{// This returns a vector containing the alphabet a-z and " "
 vector<char> temp;
 for (char c='A'; c<='Z'; c++)
 temp.push_back(' ');
 return temp;

char Code::decode(string c)
    for (int i = 0; i < alpha.size(); i++) {
        if(c == codewords[i]) {
            return alpha[i];

string Code::encode(char c)
    for (int i=0;i<codewords.size();i++)
        if (c==alpha[i])                
            return codewords[i];                    
int main()

 vector<char> message;   
    string temp; 

    getline(cin, temp);  
        for (int i=0; i <temp.length(); i++)

    Code C;
    cout << C.encode(message) << endl;


string Code::encode(char c)
    for (int i=0;i<codewords.size();i++)
        if (c==alpha[i])                
            return codewords[i];                    

您对c==alpha[i]检查应忽略大小写,或者您的字母代码也应具有小的字母代码。 您的莫尔斯电码也应包含小写字母的代码,将AZ映射到0-28的检查应包含小写字母。



string Code::encode(char c)
    for (int i=0;i<codewords.size();i++)
        if (c==alpha[i])                
            return codewords[i];                    

    // What should happen if execution gets to this line?

如果您的代码有机会到达函数的末尾,则会遇到未定义的行为。 那可能是问题的根源。


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