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await Task.WhenAll(tasks)异常处理,记录任务中的所有异常

[英]await Task.WhenAll(tasks) Exception Handling, log all exceptions from the tasks


此代码段的基本思想是:用户向处理程序发送请求,处理程序创建消息tasks并将它们发送到将它们发送到外部系统的类。 我包括了下面涉及的方法。

我必须要有一些东西,因为我正在调试异常处理程序,并且任务Exception始终为null,因为它似乎状态为Waiting for Activiation除非我留在断点足够长的时间。

// Handle the user request
public async void Handle(WriteScanToSys settings)
  _successfulScanIds = new List<int>();

  // create the messages as tasks
  var tasks = _factory.CreateMessage(settings).Select(msg => SendScans(msg));

    // wait for all of them to complete
    await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // I had ConfigureAwait(false) here, but took it off
  catch (Exception)
    foreach (var task in tasks.Where(t => t.Exception != null))
      // ELMAH
      var errorLog = ErrorLog.GetDefault(null);
      errorLog.Log(new Error(task.Exception));

  // save to repository

// the task to perform
private async Task<IDictionary<string, object>> SendScans(IDictionary<string, object> data)
  object sysMsg = null;
  var response = await _msgCenter.SendMessage(data);
  response.TryGetValue("SystemMessage", out sysMsg);
  return response;

// the communication with the external system (The message center class)
private async Task<IDictionary<string, object>> SendMessage(IDictionary<string, object> msg)
  var response = new Dictionary<string, object>();

  var response = await _client.sendAsync(
                          new BodyOfRequest(
                              // Compose Object

  if (response.ScreenMessage != "SUCCESSFUL")
    throw new CustomException("The transaction for job " + job + " failed with msg: " + body.ScreenMessage);

  response.Add("SystemMessage", body.ScreenMessage);

  return response;

你已经厌倦了懒惰的评估 - 每次迭代时, Select的结果都会创建一组新的任务。 你可以通过调用ToList()来解决这个问题:

var tasks = _factory.CreateMessage(settings)
                    .Select(msg => SendScans(msg))


您可以从Task.WhenAll -Task中获取异常(如果有),而不是遍历所有任务:

var taskResult = Task.WhenAll(tasks);
    await taskResult;
catch (Exception e)
    if (taskResult.IsCanceled)
        // Cancellation is most likely due to a shared cancellation token. Handle as needed, possibly check if ((TaskCanceledException)e).CancellationToken == token etc.       
    else if (taskResult.IsFaulted)
        // use taskResult.Exception which is an AggregateException - which you can iterate over (it's a tree! .Flatten() might help)
        // caught exception is only the first observed exception
        // Well, this should not really happen because it would mean: Exception thrown, not faulted nor cancelled but completed


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