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[英]Foreign key with Entity Framework


public class User
    [Key, ScaffoldColumn(false), Display(Name = "ID User")]
    public int idUser { set; get; }

    [Required, StringLength(16), Display(Name = "Login")]
    public string login { set; get; }

    [Required, StringLength(16), Display(Name = "Password")]
    public string password { set; get; }

public class Reclamation
    [Key, ScaffoldColumn(false), Display(Name = "ID Reclamation")]
    public int idReclamation { set; get; }

    public User user{ set; get; }

    [Required, Display(Name = "ID Rapporteur")]
    public int idUser { set; get; }

    [Required, StringLength(30), Display(Name = "Message")]
    public string message{ set; get; }

例如,假设我有一个idUser = 1的用户。 当我用idUser = 1创建一个新的Reclamation时,它将很好地插入数据库中,但是我的User对象问题不包含idUser = 1的用户信息,我应该在set Property中手动编码吗在Reclamation类上的idUser属性还是我遗漏了什么?



您可以将虚拟属性添加到实体类以启用延迟加载。 这样,您将启用EF在请求相关对象时加载它。

        public class User
            [Key, ScaffoldColumn(false), Display(Name = "ID User")]
            public int idUser { set; get; }

            [Required, StringLength(16), Display(Name = "Login")]
            public string login { set; get; }

            [Required, StringLength(16), Display(Name = "Password")]
            public string password { set; get; }

            public virtual Reclamation Reclamation {get; set;}

            /*if you have one to many relationship, use Collection<T> 
   and initialize it in the constructor Reclamations = new Collection<Reclamation>();*/
            public virtual Collection<Reclamation> Reclamations {get; set;}

如上所述,您的另一个选择是使用“急切加载”。 就像是:

context.Users.Include(x => x.Reclamations).ToList();


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