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未捕获的InvalidStateError:无法在“ WebSocket”上执行“发送”:

[英]Uncaught InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'send' on 'WebSocket':


function smConnect() {
  ws = new WebSocket('ws://');
  delete ws.URL;

  ws.onopen = function(response) {};
  ws.onmessage = function(response) {};
  ws.onclose = function(response) {};
  ws.onerror = function(error) {};

ws.send('message', 'hi');


未捕获的InvalidStateError:无法在“ WebSocket”上执行“发送”:仍处于CONNECTING状态。




而且您不需要为所有事件都提供值,只需为您需要的值(您的案例onopen +可能是onmessage?)



 (function(nameSpace) { function createMethod(method, options, stateCallback) { var that = this; this[method] = function() { if (stateCallback && stateCallback.apply) { stateCallback(method); } console.info(method); if (options[method] && options[method].apply) { options[method].apply(that, arguments); } }; } function SocketWrapper(options) { var ws, events = ['onopen', 'onmessage', 'onclose', 'onerror'], i, len, prop = { opened: false, closed: false, error: false }, method; if (typeof options === 'undefined' || !options) { throw 'ArgumentException: please add default constructor options'; } this.queue = []; this.onEventTrigger = function(eventName) { var i, len; if (eventName === 'onopen') { prop.opened = true; prop.closed = false; // openend send queue if (this.queue.length > 0) { for (i = this.queue.length; --i >= 0;) { this.send.apply(this, this.queue[0]); this.queue.splice(0, 1); } } } if (eventName === 'onerror') { prop.error = true; } if (eventName === 'onclosed') { prop.opened = false; prop.closed = true; } }; this.init = function() { var cb = this.onEventTrigger.bind(this); ws = new WebSocket(options.url); for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { method = events[i]; createMethod.apply(ws, [method, options, cb]); } }; this.send = function() { if (prop.closed) { throw 'InvalidOperation: Cannot send messages to a closed Websocket!'; } if (!prop.opened) { this.queue.push(arguments); } else { ws.send.apply(ws, arguments); } }; this.init(); return this; } window.SocketWrapper = SocketWrapper; }(window)); var socket = new window.SocketWrapper({ url: 'ws://', onopen: function() { this.send('message', 'hi'); }, onmessage: function() { console.log(arguments); }, onclose: function() { socket = null; }, onerror: function() { console.log('error occured, oh no!'); console.error(arguments); } }); socket.send('i am message send to soon, but since i check the state of the ws object, i will be queued and send when appropriate'); 


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