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如何将此JSON数据绑定到Kendo UI图表?

[英]How do I bind this JSON data to a Kendo UI Chart?

我在将JSON数据绑定到ASP.Net MVC中的Kendo UI图表时非常困难。 我一直在浏览文档,分解演示,搜索在SO(以及其他地方)上可以找到的所有内容,以尝试找到我做错了什么线索,这可以使我重回正轨,但我一直在努力一堵砖墙。 我开始担心我只是很稠密,哈哈。



            "monthAndYear":"Apr 2015",
            "region":"Central Region",
            "monthAndYear":"Apr 2015",
            "region":"Northern Region",
            "monthAndYear":"Apr 2015",
            "region":"Eastern Region",
            "monthAndYear":"Apr 2015",
            "region":"Southern Region",
            "monthAndYear":"Apr 2015",
            "region":"Western Region",


public class Rootobject
    public Responseheader responseHeader { get; set; }
    public Response response { get; set; }

public class Responseheader
    public int status { get; set; }
    public int QTime { get; set; }
    public Params _params { get; set; }

public class Params
    public string indent { get; set; }
    public string q { get; set; }
    public string wt { get; set; }

public class Response
    public int numFound { get; set; }
    public int start { get; set; }
    public Doc[] docs { get; set; }

public class Doc
    public string monthAndYear { get; set; }
    public string region { get; set; }
    public int projects_finalized { get; set; }
    public long _version_ { get; set; }


    ViewBag.Title = "Project Chart";

<div style="position: relative; left: 0px; top: 2em; width: 1000px; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; display: inline-block;">
    .Title("Project Results")
    .Legend(legend => legend
    .ChartArea(chartArea => chartArea
    .DataSource(ds => ds.Read(read => read.Action("ProjectClass", "HomeController")))
    .Series(series =>
        series.Bar(model => model.response.docs.projects_finalized).Name("Total Projects Completed")
              .Labels(labels => labels.Background("transparent").Visible(true));
    .CategoryAxis(axis => axis
                .Categories(model => model.response.docs.region)
        .MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(false))
    .ValueAxis(axis => axis
        .Line(line => line.Visible(false))
        .MajorGridLines(lines => lines.Visible(true))
    .Tooltip(tooltip => tooltip
        .Template("#= series.name #: #= value #")


public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";

        return View();

    public ActionResult DataBinding()
        string url = "https://solr.fakeURL.com/json";
        WebClient c = new WebClient();
        var json = c.DownloadString(url);

        return Json(json);

为了清楚起见,我无法对JSON的输出进行任何更改。 我必须处理给出的内容。

Kendo图表不仅接受任何JSON数据,而且必须采用正确的格式(通常使用return Json(chartModel); ,这一点至关重要return Json(chartModel); 您不必为此担心太多。



在业务/数据访问层中,在其中调用Web服务以获取JSON,将JSON转换为CLR对象。 您可以为此使用Json.Net。

Rootobject result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rootobject>(jsonString);

转换JSON后,从数据中获取图表需要显示的内容(可能只是projects_finalized ?),然后将其返回到图表中。


public class ChartModel
    public string region { get; set; }
    public int projects_finalized { get; set; }

public ActionResult DataBinding()
    IEnumerable<ChartModel> result = GetData();
    return Json(result);

public IEnumerable<ChartModel> GetData() {
    string url = "https://solr.fakeURL.com/json";
    WebClient c = new WebClient();
    var json = c.DownloadString(url);

    // Do something like this to deserialize the JSON.
    Rootobject result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rootobject>(jsonString);

    // Here you flatten root object into collection of `ChartModel` objects

    return chartModels;



public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
    var list = new List<Docs>();
    // deserialize json into list
    return View(list);


@model List<Docs>
    .DataSource(d => d.ServerOperation(false))

您可能需要调整视图以使其运行,但是至少您的数据在那里。 祝好运


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