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[英]C Programming - fgets() infinite while loop

我在从文本文件获取增强矩阵时遇到问题。 该程序将在成功读取文本文件中的所有数据后将进行简单的段错误处理,这很可能是因为它仍在寻找另一个令牌来达到或fgets()未达到NULL状态? 老实说我迷路了...

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include "apmatrix.h"
#define NUMARGS 2 
#define BUFSIZE 128

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
    /* Matrices that will always be used */
    Matrix* A;
    Vector* b;
    Vector* x;
    iVector* p;

    /* Used in LU factorization */
    Matrix* L;
    Matrix* U;

    /* Standard character read-in variables needed */
    char sep[] = " "; /* parsing separator is space */
    char *z,*buffer;  /* buffer and pointer to scan buffer */
    FILE *ifp;        /* source file */ 
    unsigned buflen;  /* length of line read */
    int flag, count;
    int Rows,Columns;/* to hold number read */
    int CurrentRow=0;

    /* first check to see if have required number for argc */ 
    /* if not, error has occurred, don't do anything else */ 
    if (argc == 2 || argc==3) 
        /* correct number of arguments used, try to open both files */ 
        buffer = (char*) malloc(BUFSIZE); /* allocate buffer */
        ifp = fopen (argv[1], "r");  /* open file for reading */ 

        if (ifp && buffer) { /* if successful proceed */
            /* read file line by line */
            while (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, ifp) != NULL) {       
                /* defensive/secure programming */
                buflen = strlen(buffer);
                /* parse line */            
                z = strtok(buffer,sep);

                /* take in the values of the rows and columns */
                if(flag == 0){
                    ++flag;                 /* Flag = 1 */

                    Rows = atoi(z);         /* Convert the string to double */
                    printf("  %d",Rows);
                    z = strtok(NULL, sep);  /* find next number */
                    Columns = atoi(z);      /* Convert the string to double */           
                    printf("  %d",Columns);

                    A = m_alloc(Rows,Columns);
                    b = v_alloc(Rows);
                    x = v_alloc(Rows);
                    p = iv_alloc(Rows);

                    L = m_alloc(Rows,Columns);
                    U = m_alloc(Rows,Columns);
                /* take in the values of the matrices */

                    for(int i = 0; i < Rows; i++){
                        A->mat[CurrentRow][i] = (Real) atof(z);             /* Convert the string to an int*/
                        z = strtok(NULL, sep);  /* find next number */
                        printf("   %2.3f   ",A->mat[CurrentRow][i]);

                    b->vec[CurrentRow] = (Real) atof(z);            /* Convert the string to an int */
                    printf("   %2.3f   ",b->vec[CurrentRow]);           

            fclose (ifp); 


我没有打印其余的代码,因为我只是认为它与手头的问题无关。 我想知道为什么会出现此问题,以及如何在代码中修复它,因为稍后在程序中我将需要信息来解决Ax = b。 文本文件为我提供了增强矩阵[A | b],因此我使用LU分解求解x。 我认为这可能与缓冲区本身有关,但是我对C编程也没有经验。


 3 4
 2 1 1  1
 6 2 1 -7
-2 2 1  7 


  3  4
   2.000      1.000      1.000      1.000

   6.000      2.000      1.000      -7.000

   -2.000      2.000      1.000      7.000

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

感谢您的时间。 :)

更新:我尝试运行gdb进行调试,但我一直试图使用文本文件运行核心转储。 (例如,。/ hw6 ge1.txt是我要在命令行中键入的内容)。 我如何使用文本文件来运行它,因为没有它它就存在段错误。

Expecting two or three arguments
The second argument must be a text file to read from.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000400a4e in m_free (M=0x0) at apmatrix.c:32
32              free(M->mat[0]); /* free data */
1) compile your program with -ggdb parameter
2) link your program with the -ggdb parameter


3) assure the source code is visible from where the program is to be run
   (in the same directory works very well)
4) at the command line: gdb yourProgramName
5) from within gdb enter the following commands
    br main    <-- sets breakpoint at main
    run        <-- execution program until breakpoint reached
    c          <-- continue execution
6) when the program crashes, enter the following commands
   bt          <-- display a back trace
7) examine the back trace to see which line your program crashed on.

8) quit y      <-- to exit the program
9) let us know which line that is.  
   paste/edit the line into your question
   as a line number would be meaningless to us.


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