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[英]Friend a template function and avoid virtual functions/abstract bases


下面是从较大的层次结构,使得一个片段Ttemplate <class T> void Play(T&); 可以采用TT<U> T<U>情况下,这意味着T是一个类模板,我想和专门用于T<U>的函数成为朋友。

以下代码段的预期行为是编译/链接/执行成功,但未产生输出This should not be printed

#include <iostream>

enum class Genre { Rock = 111, Pop = 999 };

/* this is the global interface: */
template <class T> void Play(T&);

template <Genre genre> class Song {
    /* befriend own player */
    template <class T> friend void Play(Song<genre>&);
    int v = int(genre);

/* desired function resolution: */
template <Genre genre> void Play(Song<genre>& d)
    std::cout << "Genre: " << d.v << std::endl; 

template <class T> void Play(T& d)
    std::cout << "This should not be printed" << std::endl;

/* these two functions are not desired but I tried... */
template<> inline void Play(Song<Genre::Pop>& d)
{ Play<Genre::Pop>(d); }

template<> inline void Play(Song<Genre::Rock>& d)
{ Play<Genre::Rock>(d); }

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Song<Genre::Pop> s;
    Song<Genre::Rock> p;
    return 0;



/* this is the global interface: */
//need to forward declare the Song template class
template <Genre genre> class Song;

//forward declare the version of Play templated on Genre
template <Genre genre> 
void Play(Song<genre>&);

//keep the version you had originally
template <typename T>
void Play(T&);

template <Genre genre> class Song {
    /* befriend own player */
    //now picks up the correct function
    friend void Play <> (Song<genre>&);
    int v = int(genre);

对于您的转发功能,我们需要使它们完全符合template <typename T> Play(T&>版本):

template <> 
void Play<Song<Genre::Pop>> (Song<Genre::Pop>& d)
{ Play(d); }

template <> 
void Play<Song<Genre::Rock>> (Song<Genre::Rock>& d)
{ Play(d); }

另一种选择是进行类型特征检查,如果您已传递Song ,然后使用SFINAE启用/禁用该功能:

template <class T>
struct is_song : std::false_type {};

template <Genre genre>
struct is_song<Song<genre>> : std::true_type {};

template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<is_song<T>::value>* = nullptr> 
void Play (T& d)
{ Play(d); }

template <typename T, std::enable_if_t<!is_song<T>::value>* = nullptr>
void Play(T& d)
    std::cout << "This should not be printed" << std::endl;

现在一切正常! 演示


#include <iostream>

enum class Genre : int { Rock = 111, Pop = 999 };

template<Genre genre> class Song;

/* this is the global interface: */
template <Genre genre> void Play(Song<genre>&);

template <Genre genre>
class Song
   /* befriend own player */
   friend void Play<>(Song<genre>&);

      int v = int(genre);

/* desired function resolution: */
template <Genre genre>
void Play(Song<genre>& d)
   std::cout << "Genre: " << d.v << std::endl;

/* non-desired function */
template <class T> 
void Play(T& d)
   std::cout << "This should not be printed" << d.v << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    Song<Genre::Pop> s;
    Song<Genre::Rock> p;
    //Play<decltype(s)>(s); // <--- will not compile: calls the 'non-desired' function
                            // <--- which is not friend of Song<Genre::Pop>
                            // <--- and compilation fails as the function tries to access the private member v
    //Play<Genre::Rock>(s);   // <--- will also not compile
    return 0;

在这里, Play只是“特定” genreSong的唯一friend


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