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使用Firefox插件中的Web Crypto API

[英]Using the Web Crypto API from Firefox AddOn

我不知道如何从AddOn脚本本身访问Web Crypto API(无文档)。

从内容脚本尝试执行此操作会导致访问权限错误, then

JavaScript error:
  resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js ->
  resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/loader/sandbox.js -> 
  line 36: Error: Permission denied to access property "then"


  var password = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode('password');
  var salt = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode('salt');
  var iterations = 1;
  var outputLen = 20;
  return window.crypto.subtle.importKey(
    "raw", password, {"name": "PBKDF2"}, false, ["deriveKey"]
  ).then(function(baseKey) {
    return window.crypto.subtle.deriveKey(
      { "name": "PBKDF2",
        "salt": salt,
        "iterations": iterations,
        "hash": "SHA-1",
      baseKey,                              // input key
      {"name": "AES-CBC", "length": 32*8},  // output key use and size
      true,                                 // output key is extractable
      ["encrypt","decrypt"]);               // output key capabilities
  }).then(function(aesKey) {
    return window.crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", aesKey);
  }).then(function(keyBytes) {
    var keyArray = Array.slice(new Uint8Array(keyBytes), 0, outputLen);
    keyArray.toHex = toHex;
    keyArray.toPassword = toPassword;
    return keyArray;

是否有require将Web Crypto API集成到加载项中,或者有什么我可以做才能使这项工作有效? 由于运行时方面的考虑,我真的不想使用JS加密库(PBKDF2运行快→选择更多的迭代→更安全)。

var blah = crypto.subtle.deriveKey({....});

从这里获取: https : //developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Components.utils.importGlobalProperties


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