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[英]how to understand the meaning and the intention of code in this piece of code?

任何人都可以解释function exports()之后代码的功能究竟是什么,为什么我应该这样做呢?

(function () {
    'use strict';

    function Card() {
        this.isFaceUp = false;
        this.isUnplayalbe = false;

    Card.prototype = {
        contents: function (v) {
            if (v === undefined) {
                return this._contents;
            } else {
                return this._contents = v;

        match: function (otherCards) {
            var score = 0;

            if (Array.isArray(otherCards)) {
                otherCards.forEach(compare, this);
            } else {
                compare.call(this, otherCards);

            function compare(card) {
                if (card.contents() === this.contents()) {
                    score = 1;
            return score;

    function exports() {
        return new Card();
    exports.Card = Card;
    window.card = exports;


  • window.Card是导出功能
  • exports函数每次调用都会返回新的Card对象,所以window.Card也会这样做( var card1 = window.Card()
  • exports功能有属性Card (我不知道为什么需要)
  • 所以window.Card.Card - 也是一个Card对象


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