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[英]Resizing User Control - anchor controls to center of form






您需要3列和1行。 中间一列需要具有固定的大小,其余两列则设置为50%。 不用担心,.Net足够聪明,可以计算出它们实际占用的百分比。
在左右两列中,放置控件,并将两者的Dock属性都设置为fill 在中间一列中,放置一个面板,并将其Dock属性设置为fill为墙,然后在该面板中,将按钮置于中间。
将表布局面板设置为Dock也要fill ,将用户控件添加到表单时,也要使用Dock topbottomfill

看来确实不能在Designer中完成,但是这里是使用替代的解决方案。 它工作正常,除了一些我无法克服的控件闪烁。

public partial class SB : UserControl
    //variables to remember sizes and locations
    Size parentSize = new Size(0,0);
    Point parentLocation = new Point (0,0);
    // we care only for horizontal changes by dragging the left border;
    // all others take care of themselves by Designer code
    public void SB_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Parent == null)
            return;//we are still in the load process

        // get former values
        int fcsw = this.parentSize.Width;//former width
        int fclx = this.parentLocation.X;//former location

        Control control = (Control)sender;//this is our custom control

        // get present values
        int csw = control.Parent.Size.Width;//present width
        int clx = control.Parent.Location.X;//present location

        // both parent width and parent location have changed: it means we 
        // dragged the left border or one of the left corners
        if (csw != fcsw && clx != fclx)
            int delta = clx - fclx;
            int lw = (int)this.tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles[0].Width;
            int nlw = lw - delta;
            if (nlw > 0)
                this.tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles[0].Width -= delta;
        this.parentSize = control.Parent.Size;//always update it
        this.parentLocation = control.Parent.Location;

    //contrary to documentation, the Resize event is not raised by moving
    //the form, so we have to override the Move event too, to update the
    //saved location
    private void SB_Move(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Parent == null)
            return;//we are still in the load process
        this.parentSize = this.Parent.Size;//always update it
        this.parentLocation = this.Parent.Location;

上面的代码大多数时候都有效,但是对于某些Move-Resize序列却无效。 解决方案是响应父窗体(控件的使用者)而不是控件本身的Move和Resize事件。



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