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[英]Newtype pattern of the combinations of Rc, RefCell and Box

因为我不想一次又一次键入Rc::new(RefCell::new(Box::new(MyType::new(args...)))) ,所以我决定创建新类型的RcRefBox如下所示:

use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;

struct RcRefBox<T>(Rc<RefCell<Box<T>>>);

impl<T> RcRefBox<T> {
    fn new(value: Box<T>) -> RcRefBox<T> {

trait Interface {}

struct A;
impl Interface for A {}

fn main() {
    let iface: RcRefBox<Interface> = RcRefBox::new(Box::new(A));

该代码无法与以下错误一起编译:(游戏围栏: http : //is.gd/ITiR8Q

<anon>:19:16: 19:35 error: the trait `core::marker::Sized` is not implemented for the type `Interface` [E0277]
<anon>:19     let iface: RcRefBox<Interface> = RcRefBox::new(Box::new(A));
<anon>:19:16: 19:35 note: `Interface` does not have a constant size known at compile-time
<anon>:19     let iface: RcRefBox<Interface> = RcRefBox::new(Box::new(A));
<anon>:19:38: 19:51 error: the trait `core::marker::Sized` is not implemented for the type `Interface` [E0277]
<anon>:19     let iface: RcRefBox<Interface> = RcRefBox::new(Box::new(A));
<anon>:19:38: 19:51 note: `Interface` does not have a constant size known at compile-time
<anon>:19     let iface: RcRefBox<Interface> = RcRefBox::new(Box::new(A));
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors



特性对象是动态调整大小的对象(不实现Sized )。

通常,当您在泛型类型(此处为T )上指定边界时,会对其进行约束,但是在引入Sized时,由于大多数泛型代码仅处理Sized类型和结果T ,因此决定将其用作默认边界。表示T: Sized

有一个特殊的“加宽”字样必然表示“ T可能未调整Sized ”: ?Sized ,如果您希望能够获取trait对象,则必须应用。 将其添加到您的代码中:

use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;

struct RcRefBox<T: ?Sized>(Rc<RefCell<Box<T>>>);  // ?Sized

impl<T: ?Sized> RcRefBox<T> {                     // ?Sized
    fn new(value: Box<T>) -> RcRefBox<T> {

trait Interface {}

struct A;
impl Interface for A {}

fn main() {
    let iface: RcRefBox<Interface> = RcRefBox::new(Box::new(A));

使它起作用( http://is.gd/pSZKK2 )。


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