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在C#应用程序中使用C ++ dll时找不到入口点

[英]Unable to find Entry Point while using C++ dll in C# application

我编写了一个C#应用程序,需要在单击按钮时调用C ++ dll中的函数。 但是单击该按钮时,它将引发“ EntryPointNotFound”异常。

Below is the code snippet of C#
    public class Test
        [DllImport("Demo.dll", EntryPoint = "OpenFile"]
        public static extern bool OpenFile(string fileName);
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool check = Test.OpenFile("test.txt"); // exception thrown at this point
            if (check)
                // Not entering this area.. 

C++ Header (.h file)

__declspec(dllexport) bool OpenFile(CString fileName);

Cpp class (.cpp )
__declspec(dllexport) bool Demo::OpenFile(CString fileName)
        return true;


基本上,您需要在dll代码中添加extern“ C”:

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool OpenFile(CString fileName);



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