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jQuery获取ID <li> 基于其中的单击元素

[英]jQuery get the ID of <li> based on clicked element inside of it


  • 基于它里面使用jQuery的clicked元素?

     <div id="grade_contamina"> <ul id="ul_element"> <!---My first li---> <li id="first_id"> <p> Apple </p> <!---Button for apple----> <span class="fruits" id="btn_apple"> <a class="btn_send_once">Send to Students</a> <a class="btn_delete_once" >Delete</a> <a class="btn_download_once">Download</a> </span> </li> <!---My second li---> <li id="second_id"> <p> Grapes </p> <!---Button for grapes----> <span class="fruits" id="btn_grapes"> <a class="btn_send_once">Send to Students</a> <a class="btn_delete_once" >Delete</a> <a class="btn_download_once">Download</a> </span> </li> </ul> </div> 

    每个LI元素都有3个按钮,即删除,发送和下载。 可以说,从“苹果LI元素”中,我单击了删除。 我需要根据其ID删除此LI元素,或者我要根据其ID发送此LI元素。 现在如何获取LI的ID或获取LI元素的ID的最佳方法是什么?


     I want this happen if the button delete is clicked. **Remove the LI element which is clicked **Apped a new LI element at the last LI element of ul using "FadeIn Effect". 


     if button is clicked{ var the_id = get the id of LI where the button is clicked now which one of button is clicked? if button send is clicked{ some code here, i will need here the id to send... }else if button download is clicked{ some code here, i will need here the id too.. }else if button delete is clicked{ remove the LI element (With fadeOut effect if possible) append a new LI element at the end of LI whith fadeIn effect } //End of Statement } 

    有人可以帮助我吗? 我对jQuery的了解很少,因此将不胜感激。 谢谢!!!

  • 要获得a点击的liid ,您需要使用closest 这将让最接近li单击元素的祖先。

    $('#grade_contamina').on('click', 'a', function() {
        return false;
    <div id="grade_contamina">
        <ul id="ul_element">
            <!---My first li--->
            <li id="first_id">
                <!---Button for apple---->
                <span class="fruits" id="btn_apple">
                    <a class="btn_send_once">Send to Students</a>
                    <a class="btn_delete_once" >Delete</a>
                    <a class="btn_download_once">Download</a>
            <!---My second li--->
            <li id="second_id">
                <!---Button for grapes---->
                <span class="fruits" id="btn_grapes">
                    <a class="btn_send_once">Send to Students</a>
                    <a class="btn_delete_once" >Delete</a>
                    <a class="btn_download_once">Download</a>
        $('#grade_contamina').on('click', 'a', function() {
            var btn_name = $(this).attr('class')
            var id = $(this).closest('li').attr('id');
            if(btn_name == 'btn_send_once'){
                alert(btn_name+" within "+id);
                //your code
            }else if(btn_name == 'btn_delete_once'){
                alert(btn_name+" within "+id);
                alert(btn_name+" within "+id);


    您可以像在此提琴中一样使用jQuery.attr(propertyname): https ://jsfiddle.net/d907e6gm/

    $('ul > li').click(function(){

    我不会给出所有代码。 我将向您展示如何获取列表项ID以及您单击了哪个按钮。

        $("#ul_element a").on("click",function(){
        idli = $(this).closest("li").attr("id"); // your list item id.
        val = $(this).text(); // your link text       


    尝试过滤.parents()的点击a ,返回idali

     $("#grade_contamina a").on("click", function() { console.log($(this).parents("li")[0].id) }); 
     <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="grade_contamina"> <ul id="ul_element"> <!---My first li---> <li id="first_id"> <p> Apple </p> <!---Button for apple----> <span class="fruits" id="btn_apple"> <a class="btn_send_once">Send to Students</a> <a class="btn_delete_once" >Delete</a> <a class="btn_download_once">Download</a> </span> </li> <!---My second li---> <li id="second_id"> <p> Grapes </p> <!---Button for grapes----> <span class="fruits" id="btn_grapes"> <a class="btn_send_once">Send to Students</a> <a class="btn_delete_once" >Delete</a> <a class="btn_download_once">Download</a> </span> </li> </ul> </div> 


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