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为什么我的程序给我多余的输出? C程序

[英]Why does my program give me the excess output? C program

我做了一个程序,它是一个检查生成器。 无论您在scanf中输入多少,都将以字为单位输出。 例如,如果我要输入“ 1234.56”,我的输出将是“一千三百二十四美元和... 56美分”,或者,如果我想输入金额“ 0.01”,则输出将是“零美元和... 1美分”。 该程序运行良好,但是有一个小问题 ,如果我想输入金额“ 9909”,它将输出“ 9,900,99,0 美分 ”。 输出为“ 九十九万零零美分……0美分 ”。 请帮忙!


#include <stdio.h>

void printNum(int);
void printNum2(int);

int main()

    int a = 0;
    int b = 0;
    int c = 0;
    int d = 0; 
    int num = 0;
    int printcents; //To convert the float "cents" to an integer.

    float inclusive;
    float cents;

    printf("Welcome to the IPC144 Cheque Generator!!\n");
    printf("PAY TO THE ORDER OF... amahmood29 (018359133)\n");
    printf("Enter a monetary value from $0.01 to $9999.99 inclusive: ");
    scanf("%f", &inclusive);

    if(inclusive < 0.00 || inclusive >= 10000.00) {
        printf("Sorry, cannot create cheque for that amount, try again next time!\n");
        a = inclusive / 1000;                          //This data is replacing our variable by diving whatever the vaulue is by either 1000, 100, 10.
        inclusive = inclusive - (a*1000);
        b = inclusive / 100; 
        inclusive = inclusive - (b*100);
        if ( inclusive > 19 ){
            c = inclusive / 10; 
            inclusive = inclusive - (c*10);
            c = inclusive;
            d = 0;
        d = inclusive;
        num = inclusive;
        cents = (inclusive - num)*100; //To calculate our "Cents" with numerals.
        printcents = cents;

        /*Printing if the variables are in the thousands, hundreds, tens or ones categories.*/
        if (c == 0 && b == 0 && a == 0){
        printf("Zero Dollars and ... %d Cents\n", printcents);
        if (a > 0){ 
            printf("Thousand ");
        if (b > 0){
            printf("Hundred ");
        if (d >= 0){
            printf("Dollars and ... ");

        printf("%d", printcents);
        printf(" Cents\n");
void printNum(int x)  //Created functions to easily output various if statements.

    if ( x == 1)
        printf("One ");
    else if ( x == 2)
        printf("Two ");
    else if (x == 3)
        printf("Three ");
    else if (x == 4) 
        printf("Four ");
    else if (x == 5)
        printf("Five ");
    else if (x == 6)
        printf("Six ");
    else if (x == 7)
        printf("Seven ");
    else if (x == 8)
        printf("Eight ");
    else if (x == 9)
        printf("Nine ");


void printNum2(int x)
    if ( x == 10)
        printf("Ten ");
    else if ( x == 11)
        printf("Eleven ");
    else  if ( x == 12)
        printf("Twelve ");
    else if ( x == 13)
        printf("Thirteen ");
    else if (x == 14)
        printf("Fourteen ");
    else if (x == 15)
        printf("Fifteen ");
    else if (x == 16)
        printf("Sixteen ");
    else if (x == 17)
        printf("Seventeen ");
    else if (x == 18)
        printf("Eighteen ");
    else if (x == 19)
        printf("Nineteen ");
    else if (x == 2)
        printf("Twenty ");
    else if (x == 3)
        printf("Thirty ");
    else if (x == 4)
        printf("Forty ");
    else if (x == 5)
        printf("Fifty ");
    else if (x == 6)
        printf("Sixty ");
    else if (x == 7)
        printf("Seventy ");
    else if (x == 8)
        printf("Eighty ");
    else if (x == 9)
        printf("Ninety ");


你已经计算后b和调整, inclusive ,因此,现在是9,你到你的else情况下,设定c 9(因此Ninety输出), d为0,但随后马上将d 9(因此Nine中输出)。 else情况下,我认为您将cd混淆了。


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