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[英]How to launch this program from the command line?

这是我试图从命令行启动的程序(Star Guard) 在此输入图像描述

我在这个目录中打开了一个新的命令提示符进程,并尝试使用命令行启动Star Guard应用程序(所以我可以稍后传入命令行参数)。

但是当我这样做时,我最终没有启动程序,但我最终在同一目录中启动了一个新的命令提示程序。(输出如下所示)程序在我正常启动时启动(GUI点击) 在此输入图像描述

有谁知道这是什么问题? 我首先在Windows中执行ls(OSx) 等效操作 ,以确保我有可执行文件的正确文件路径。 然后,我使用start命令启动程序,同时可执行路径括在引号中以考虑空格。

start命令的语法是唯一的,更不用说daft了。 如果第一个参数在引号中,则将其解释为窗口标题。

在这种情况下,你根本不需要使用start ,你可以这么说

"Star Guard"


"Star Guard.exe"

如果要使用start ,可能是因为要指定/wait GUI应用程序,或者因为要在新窗口中启动控制台应用程序,则必须包含title参数:

start "" "Star Guard.exe"


从OS / 2 Warp帮助

 Starts an OS/2 program in another session. 

 The primary use for START is to automatically start programs at system startup.  The 
 special batch file, STARTUP.CMD, allows you to do this. 

 To imbed redirectional signals into the command session, enclose the command and 
 command inputs in quotation marks. 

          "program         /K        /F 
          title"         /C        /B 

           /PGM          /FS         /MAX 
                             /WIN        /MIN 

            /I                         command   

 Related Commands:  RUN 

 Enter this command without a parameter to start an OS/2 command processor. 

 If you use the /WIN, /FS, or /PM parameter, your program runs in the foreground session.  
 If you do not use one of these parameters, you can use the /F parameter to make the 
 program run in the foreground session. 

 Make sure that you specify the correct drive and path when you use the START command to 
 run a batch file with the STARTUP.CMD file.  Also, if you plan to redirect I/O using the 
 START command, enclose the command and command inputs within quotation marks. 

 You can use START to run full-screen applications or applications running in a window 
 such as Presentation Manager programs. 

 START determines the type of application and will run it in the appropriate window or 
 full-screen session.  However, you have the option to override the determined default by 
 using the /FS, /WIN, /PM, or /I parameter. 

 You cannot start a batch file (.CMD) with the /PM parameter. 


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