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[英]XMS.NET exits the process on factory.CreateConnection

这是XMS.NET上无限期挂在factory.CreateConnection(“ username”,null);上的跟进

根据评论中的建议,我安装了最新版本的MQ客户端和XMS.NET。 该应用程序停止挂起,现在它只是在几秒钟后终止该进程。 没有例外。 提供的唯一信息是我打开完整XMS日志记录时获得的输出。



[26.06.2015 10:07:03:389693 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 > UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.UnmanagedNmqiMQ method=NmqiConnect(String,NmqiConnectOptions,MQConnectOptions,Hconn,Phconn,out int,out int) [:] org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
entry [SV2098743] [IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiConnectOptions] [IBM.WMQ.MQConnectOptions#00B8956A] [] [<null>] [pCompCode : out] [pReason : out]
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:396694 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 > UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.UnmanagedNmqiMQ method=GetUnmanagedHconn(Hconn) [:] org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
entry []
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:400694 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 > UOW= source= method=GetUnmanagedHconn(NmqiEnvironment,Object,Hconn) [:] org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:404695 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source= org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
Hconn Value:0
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:406695 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 < UOW= source= method=GetUnmanagedHconn(NmqiEnvironment,Object,Hconn) rc=OK [:] org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:407695 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 < UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.UnmanagedNmqiMQ method=GetUnmanagedHconn(Hconn) rc=OK [:] org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:423697 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
Object ID      : 'IBM.WMQ.MQConnectOptions#00B8956A'
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:425697 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
version        : 5 (hex 5)
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:427697 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
options        : 64 (hex 40)
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:429697 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
clientConnOffset: 0 (hex 0)
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:430697 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
clientConnPtr  : [490028864]
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:431697 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
connTag        : 0
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:432697 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
_SSLConfigPtr  : [0]
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:433698 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
_SSLConfigOffset: 0 (hex 0)
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:434698 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
connectionId   : 0
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:435698 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
securityParmsOffset: 0 (hex 0)
[26.06.2015 10:07:03:437698 W. Europe Standard Time] 00000009 d UOW= source=IBM.WMQ.Nmqi.NmqiStructureFormatter org=IBM prod=WebSphere component=Message Service Client for .NET thread=[1 : 0]
securityParmsPtr: [490004432]
The program '[8740] WebServiceTesting.vshost.exe' has exited with code -2147483645 (0x80000003).

好。 您安装了哪个版本的MQ客户端,v7.1或7.5或8.0 MQ? 我假设您安装了MQ v8客户端。 从版本v7.1起,XMS .NET随MQ Client捆绑在一起。 因此,当您安装MQ Client时,也会安装XMS .NET。 因此,无需再次单独安装IA9H(XMS .NET)客户端。 因此,请卸载IA9H,然后重试。

在已经安装MQ Client的情况下,安装IA9H时会出现警告。 抱歉,我应该在另一个问题中提到这一点。


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