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Java Math转换为Integer

[英]Java Math convert to Integer

我正在尝试将float值转换为Integer,但无法将其转换。 它说找不到符号。 有什么方法可以做到这一点。


float upper = 999999;
float lower = 100000;
Integer ReceiptNo = 0;

Random rnd = new Random();
ReceiptNo = Math.round((Math.floor( (upper - lower + 1) * rnd() ) )) + lower;


Dim upper As Single = 999999      'Set the upper limit of random number.
Dim lower As Single = 100000
Dim ReceiptNo As Integer = 0

Randomize()     'Need to randomise the random number or else the number generated is always the same
ReceiptNo = CInt(Math.Floor((upper - lower + 1) * Rnd())) + lower

我试图重用Java中的VB代码。 谢谢。


你可以写 :

ReceiptNo = (int)(Math.round((Math.floor( (upper - lower + 1) * Math.random() ) )) + lower);

我不确定Rnd()在VB中的作用,但是如果它在0和1之间产生一个随机双Math.random() ,那就是Math.random()作用。

使用Math.random()而不是rnd() 您需要将Math.round的值(返回float )转换为int

ReceiptNo = (int) (Math.round((Math.floor( (upper - lower + 1) * Math.random() ) )) + lower);



Dim prng As New Random 'do NOT put this in a method
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    Dim upper As Integer = 999999 + 1      'Set the upper limit of random number.
    Dim lower As Integer = 100000
    Dim ReceiptNo As Integer = prng.Next(lower, upper) 'the upper is exclusive
End Sub

rnd这里是Random类的对象。 对象不能用作rnd() 正确的代码应为ReceiptNo = Math.round((Math.floor( (upper - lower + 1) * Math.random() ) )) + lower;

有关Java类和对象的更多信息, 请访问http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_object_classes.htm


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