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[英]How do you convert a 3D position to a 2D point on screen?

我试图在3D环境中渲染2D文本,但为此我需要能够将一组3D坐标转换为屏幕上的2D点。 我的相机具有视图投影矩阵,视野和3D空间中的位置。 我试图渲染的文本在屏幕上有一个2D点。


public final Vector2f get2DPointFrom3DPosition(Vector3f position) {//position is the point in 3D space that I'm trying to render the text at
    final Vector3f camPos = this.getTransform().getPos();//where Vector3f == (x, y, z), and is a 3D position in space
    final Matrix4f viewProjection = this.getViewProjection();//where Matrix4f == float[][]
    final double fov = this.getFieldOfView();//usually 70.0f
    float X;
    float Y;
    //complicated math that I can't find with google or figure out
    return new Vector2f(X, Y);//where vector2f is a pixel position on the screen

如果我错过了类似的问题,或者我不清楚任何事情,我会提前道歉。 我确实找到了这个问题,但它不是在java中,我找不到基础数学: 将3D点投影到2D屏幕位置问题

2D_X = 3D_X / Z
2D_Y = 3D_Y / Z



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