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[英]Specializing a function from a variadic template class


template <int... Is>
struct Object {
    void foo() const;    

template <int... Js>
void Object<0, Js...>::foo() {/*Do whatever*/}


#include <iostream>

template <int...> struct Foo;

template <int... Is>
struct Object {
    int ID;  // This member is just to illustrate the case when 'this' is needed in foo().
    friend struct Foo<Is...>;
    void foo() const {Foo<Is...>::execute(this);}  // Pass 'this' in case it is needed.

template <int... Is>
struct Foo<0, Is...> {
    static void execute (const Object<0, Is...>* object) {std::cout << "First int = 0, ID = " << object->ID << ".\n";}

template <int N, int... Is>
struct Foo<N, 3, Is...> {
    static void execute (const Object<N, 3, Is...>* object) {std::cout << "Second int = 3, ID = " << object->ID << ".\n";}

template <int M, int N, int... Is>
struct Foo<M, N, 1, Is...> {
    static void execute (const Object<M, N, 1, Is...>* object) {std::cout << "Third int = 1, ID = " << object->ID << ".\n";}

int main() {

首先,这个解决方案有什么好处吗? 接下来,如果我们尝试Object<0,3,1,4>{8}.foo(); 因为规格不完整。 因此,让我们说最早匹配的专业int将始终优先。 所以在这种情况下Object<0,3,1,4>{8}.foo(); 应该运行第一个特化因为0,而Object<9,3,1,4>{8}.foo(); 由于3,所以应该进行第二次专业化,依此类推。 如何执行该规则?


我的方法还可以。 由于我们没有对所有功能进行部分模板专业化。

然后关于Object<0,3,1,4>{8}.foo()这给出了模糊的部分特化(在Clang 3.6上)。 为了解决这个问题,我最后添加了另一个部分特化

template <int... Is>
struct Foo<0, 3, Is...> {
    static void execute (const Object<0, 3, Is...>* object) {std::cout << "First int = 0, second = 3, ID = " << object->ID << ".\n";}

另一种可能性是使用std :: integer_sequence。 我现在必须放弃,以下不是解决方案,只是一个开胃菜......

#include <utility>
#include <iostream>

template <class S1, class S2>
struct seq_lt
    enum {value = 0} ;
} ;

template <int I1, int ...S1, int I2, int ...S2>
struct seq_lt<std::integer_sequence<int, I1, S1...>,
              std::integer_sequence<int, I2, S2...>>
    enum {value = (I1 < I2 ? 1 : 0)} ;
} ;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::integer_sequence<int, 1, 2, 3> seq1 ;
    std::integer_sequence<int, 2, 3> seq2 ;

    std::cout << "seq_lt " << seq_lt<decltype(seq1), decltype(seq2)>::value << std::endl ;
    std::cout << "seq_lt " << seq_lt<decltype(seq2), decltype(seq1)>::value << std::endl ;

我建议只使用if语句。 无论如何,编译器可能会优化它们(假设您已启用优化)。


template <int... Js>
void Object::foo() {
    std::array<int, sizeof...(Js)> args = {Js...}; // I _think_ this is the correct syntax to dump the parameter pack into an std::array.
    if(args.size() > 0 && args[0] == 0) {
        // First argument is 0, do whatever.
    } else {
        // It's not 0, do your other thing.



#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

template <std::size_t, typename T, T...> struct NthValue;

template <typename T, T First, T... Rest>
struct NthValue<0, T, First, Rest...> : std::integral_constant<T, First> {};

template <std::size_t N, typename T, T First, T... Rest>
struct NthValue<N, T, First, Rest...> : NthValue<N - 1, T, Rest...> {};

template <int... Is>
struct Object {
    void foo() const {fooHelper (typename Map<Is...>::type{});}
    template <int...> struct Map;
    template <int, int> struct MappedType {};
    struct Default {};
    void fooHelper (const MappedType<0,0>&) const {std::cout << "First int = 0.\n";}
    void fooHelper (const MappedType<1,3>&) const {std::cout << "Second int = 3.\n";}
    void fooHelper (const MappedType<2,1>&) const {std::cout << "Third int = 1.\n";}
    void fooHelper (const Default&) const {std::cout << "Default case.\n";}

template <int... Ns>
template <int... Is>
struct Object<Ns...>::Map {
    using type = typename std::conditional<NthValue<0, int, Is...>::value == 0,
        typename std::conditional<NthValue<1, int, Is...>::value == 3,
            typename std::conditional<NthValue<2, int, Is...>::value == 1,

int main() {
    Object<0,5,8,2>().foo();  // First int = 0.
    Object<4,3,2,5,3>().foo();  // Second int = 3.
    Object<4,2,1>().foo();  // Third int = 1.
    Object<0,3,1,4>().foo();  // First int = 0.
    Object<9,3,1,4>().foo();  // Second int = 3.
    Object<9,9,9>().foo();  // Default case.



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