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显示数据从datagridview到reportviewer C#

[英]Show data from datagridview to reportviewer C#

我有一个datagridview,我想将数据传递给reportviewer,因此我可以轻松地将其打印并导出为pdf / excel。 我该怎么办? 还是有其他解决方案来实现我的目标? 谢谢! :)


BindingSource bs = (BindingSource)GridView1.DataSource;//You should first convert DataSourse into Binding Sourse
DataTable dt = (DataTable) bs.DataSource; //Get GridView data source to Data table

现在,您将GridView数据保存在DataTable dt中 ,可以将ReportViewer绑定到DataTable,如下所示:

ReportViewer ReportViewer1 = new ReportViewer(); //Your ReportViewer Control
ReportDataSource rds = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1_Customers_DataTable1",dt); // ReportViewerDataSource : ReportViewer is to be bind to this DataSource
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Clear(); // Clear the Previous DataSource of ReportViewer
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(rds); //bind ReportViewer1 to the new datasource(Which you wish)
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Refresh(); // Refresh the ReportViewer Control, ReportViewer1 in this case



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