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[英]getThis() trick and ClassCastException


public abstract class SelfBound<T extends SelfBound<T>> {
    protected abstract T getThis();

    public void doSomething(T instance) { ... }
    public final void doSomethingWithThis() { doSomething(getThis()); }
    public final void doSomethingWithThisUnsafe() { doSomething((T) this); }

是否可以对SelfBound进行子类SelfBound ,以便doSomethingWithThisUnsafe()抛出ClassCastException (是否可以在不SelfBound情况下进行此SelfBound ?)

当然有可能带有子类的ClassCastException 这是一个简单的例子:

public abstract class SelfBound<T extends SelfBound<T>> {
    protected abstract T getThis();

    public void doSomething(T instance) { }
    public final void doSomethingWithThis() { doSomething(getThis()); }
    public final void doSomethingWithThisUnsafe() { doSomething((T) this); }

    public static class A extends SelfBound<A> {
        protected A getThis() {
            return this;

    public static class B extends SelfBound<A> {
        public void doSomething(A instance) {

        protected A getThis() {
            return null;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new B().doSomethingWithThisUnsafe();


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: SelfBound$B cannot be cast to SelfBound$A
    at SelfBound$B.doSomething(SelfBound.java:1)
    at SelfBound.doSomethingWithThisUnsafe(SelfBound.java:6)
    at SelfBound.main(SelfBound.java:28)

不清楚“没有子类化SelfBound ”是什么意思。 由于SelfBound是抽象类,因此您不能在不对其进行子类化的情况下调用其方法,因此在调用其方法时不能有任何异常。


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