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[英]Swift protocol with constrained associated type error “Type is not convertible”

我创建了2个具有相关类型的协议。 符合Reader的类型应该能够生成符合Value的类型的实例。

复杂层来自符合Manager的类型,应该能够生成一个具体的Reader实例,它生成一个特定类型的ValueValue1Value2 )。

通过我对Manager1具体实现,我希望它始终生成Reader1 ,而Reader1又生成Value1实例。



当错误的行改为(现在)返回nil ,所有编译都很好,但现在我无法实例化Reader1Reader2


import Foundation

protocol Value {
    var value: Int { get }

protocol Reader {
    typealias ReaderValueType: Value
    func value() -> ReaderValueType

protocol Manager {
    typealias ManagerValueType: Value

    func read<ManagerReaderType: Reader where ManagerReaderType.ReaderValueType == ManagerValueType>() -> ManagerReaderType?

struct Value1: Value {
    let value: Int = 1

struct Value2: Value {
    let value: Int = 2

struct Reader1: Reader {
    func value() -> Value1 {
        return Value1()

struct Reader2: Reader {
    func value() -> Value2 {
        return Value2()

class Manager1: Manager {
    typealias ManagerValueType = Value1

    let v = ManagerValueType()
    func read<ManagerReaderType: Reader where ManagerReaderType.ReaderValueType == ManagerValueType>() -> ManagerReaderType? {
        return Reader1()// Error: "Reader1 is not convertible to ManagedReaderType?" Try swapping to return nil which does compile.

let manager = Manager1()
let v = manager.v.value
let a: Reader1? = manager.read()

发生此错误是因为read函数中的ManagerReaderType只是符合Reader且其ReaderValueType等于ManagerReaderType任何类型的通用占位符。 因此, ManagerReaderType的实际类型不是由函数本身决定的,而是被赋值的变量的类型声明了类型:

let manager = Manager1()
let reader1: Reader1? = manager.read() // ManagerReaderType is of type Reader1
let reader2: Reader2? = manager.read() // ManagerReaderType is of type Reader2



protocol Manager {
    // this is similar to the Generator of a SequenceType which has the Element type
    // but it constraints the ManagerReaderType to one specific Reader
    typealias ManagerReaderType: Reader

    func read() -> ManagerReaderType?

class Manager1: Manager {

    func read() -> Reader1? {
        return Reader1()


// this would perfectly match your requirements
protocol Reader<T: Value> {
    fun value() -> T

protocol Manager<T: Value> {
    func read() -> Reader<T>?

class Manager1: Manager<Value1> {
    func read() -> Reader<Value1>? {
        return Reader1()

所以最好的解决方法是使Reader成为泛型类, Reader1Reader2子类是它的特定泛型类型:

class Reader<T: Value> {
    func value() -> T {
        // or provide a dummy value
        fatalError("implement me")

// a small change in the function signature
protocol Manager {
    typealias ManagerValueType: Value
    func read() -> Reader<ManagerValueType>?

class Reader1: Reader<Value1> {
    override func value() -> Value1 {
        return Value1()

class Reader2: Reader<Value2> {
    override func value() -> Value2 {
        return Value2()

class Manager1: Manager {
    typealias ManagerValueType = Value1

    func read() -> Reader<ManagerValueType>? {
        return Reader1()

let manager = Manager1()

// you have to cast it, otherwise it is of type Reader<Value1>
let a: Reader1? = manager.read() as! Reader1?



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