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如何在Skype Web SDK中进行授权

[英]How to authorize in Skype web SDK

最近发布了新的Skype SDK的预览版。 因此,我下载了示例,阅读了MSDN文章,并尝试编写最简单的JS脚本来登录此SDK。 因此,我从MSDN这篇文章中获取了代码,并对它进行了一些修改(示例代码根本无法正常工作-使用了错误的变量)。 修改后的代码有效,但返回错误:

"TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null at https://swx.cdn.skype.com/build2015/v5/SDK-build.js:8982:77 at handle (https://swx.cdn.skype.com/build2015/v5/SDK-build.js:2220:63) at https://swx.cdn.skype.com/build2015/v5/SDK-build.js:698:34". 


$(function () {
    'use strict';    // create an instance of the Application object;
    // note, that different instances of Application may
    // represent different users
    var Application
    var client;
        apiKey: 'SWX-BUILD-SDK',
    }, function (api) {
        Application = api.application;
        client = new Application();

        // when the user clicks on the "Sign In" button    $('#signin').click(function () {
        // start signing in
            username: 'login',
            password: 'pass'
            //onSuccess callback
            function () {
                // when the sign in operation succeeds display the user name
                alert('Signed in as ' + application.personsAndGroupsManager.mePerson.displayName());
            //onFailure callback
            function (error) {
                // if something goes wrong in either of the steps above,
                // display the error message
                alert(error || 'Cannot sign in');
    }, function (err) {
        alert('some error occurred: ' + err);


终于,我找到了正确的答案: 目前,Skype Web SDK仅适用于Skype for Business,不适用于消费者 悲伤但真实。


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