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如何在 Postman 中从数组中设置环境变量?

[英]How do I set an Enviromental Variable in Postman, from an array, within an array?

我正在努力从数组中的数组中提取数据以设置为变量。 我将如何从地址中列出的 ID 设置变量

"user profile":{
"email_address" : "test@test.com",
"addresses" : [
"id": 1
"id": 2


var data = JSON.parse(responseBody); 



var data = JSON.parse(responseBody); // this will store api response into variable named as data
var len=data.addresses.length; // this is evaluating length of array named as addresses in api response and saving length in variable named as len.
var envvar_akeyvalue=[]; // Here a variable is declared named as envvar_akeyvalue and variable type is defined as array using =[], to begin with it's an empty array
var j=0; //Another variable declared named as j
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) // Here a loop is executed starting from array position 0 until value of len obtained in line 2 of code
  envvar_akeyvalue[j]=data.addresses[i].id; j=j+1; //this is capturing value of id from addresses array and saving it an array named as envvar_akeyvalue 
postman. setEnvironmentVariable("id", envvar_akeyvalue); // this is telling postman to set environment variable with name id and obtain it's value(s) from variable envvar_akeyvalue


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