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[英]How to make a GreaseMonkey script affect elements in a page before they're displayed?

我正在尝试确保不显示某个网站中的图像,但仍会显示替代文字。 最初我尝试使用Stylish(使用Firefox)完成此操作并询问以下问题:


接受的答案为我提供了使用Greasemonkey的替代解决方案。 该脚本使用waitForKeyElements隐藏图像,即使它们是使用AJAX添加的。


// ==UserScript==
// @name     _Hide pics except for alt text
// @include  http://YOUR_SERVER.COM/YOUR_PATH/*
// @require  http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js
// @require  https://gist.github.com/raw/2625891/waitForKeyElements.js
// @grant    GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

GM_addStyle ( "                                 \
    * {                                         \
        background-image: none !important;      \
    }                                           \
" );

waitForKeyElements ("img", hideImageExceptForAltText);

function hideImageExceptForAltText (jNode) {
    var imgAlt = jNode.attr("alt");
    var imgTitle = jNode.attr("title");

    jNode.css("display", "none");

    var newSpan = $("<span></span>");
    newSpan.attr("title", imgTitle);




编辑:布洛克亚当斯的回复有我不知道的线索。 如果有人正在寻找这样的东西,以下是我最终使用的东西。 它在我需要它的网站上运行良好,但我不能保证它可以在除Firefox之外的其他网站或其他浏览器上运行。

以下内容隐藏图像并用链接替换它们(背景图像除外)。 单击该链接将显示图像。

// ==UserScript==
// @name        TCRF images
// @namespace   SOMETHING
// @include     http://YOUR_SERVER.COM/YOUR_PATH/*
// @require     http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js
// @require     https://gist.github.com/raw/2625891/waitForKeyElements.js
// @version     1
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @run-at      document-start
// ==/UserScript==

GM_addStyle ( "\
    * {\
       background-image: none !important;\
    img.gmImgHideHidden {\
       display: none !important;\
" );

var num = 0;

function gmImgHideShowImg(imgId, linkId)
    // Using plain JavaScript because the page itself may not have jquery
    var img = document.getElementById(imgId);
    img.className = img.className.replace( /(?:^|\s)gmImgHideHidden(?!\S)/g , '' );

    var lnk = document.getElementById(linkId);

// Exporting the "show image" function so that it can be used in the webpage
unsafeWindow.gmImgHideShowImg = exportFunction(gmImgHideShowImg, unsafeWindow);

waitForKeyElements ("img", hideImageExceptForAltText);

function hideImageExceptForAltText (jNode) {
    var imgId = jNode.attr("id");

    // Ensuring an id exists so the image can be searched for later
    if(typeof(imgId) == "undefined")
        imgId = "gmImgHideImg" + num;
        jNode.attr("id", imgId);

    var imgDisp = jNode.css("display");

    var imgAlt = jNode.attr("alt");

    var linkId = "gmImgHideLink" + num;

    var linkNode = $("<a></a>");
    linkNode.attr("id", linkId);
    linkNode.append("Image: " + imgAlt);
    linkNode.attr("onclick", "gmImgHideShowImg('" + imgId + "', '" + linkId + "'); return false;");



MutationObserver毫无疑问是这里最好的解决方案。 结合@run-at document-start早期注入,我们可以使脚本非常防弹。 看看这个小提琴 (用Firefox 40测试)看看它的实际效果。

我认为代码非常明显。 我已经注释了这些细微之处,但如果你有什么不明白的话,请留言。

// ==UserScript==
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
"use strict";

/* part one: <img> elements */

(new MutationObserver(function(Records, Obs) {
    for (let R of Records) {/* examine each mutation record: */
        /* if the record specifies an attribute mutation… */
        if (
            R.attributeName === "src" &&
            (R.target instanceof Element) && /* this check might be necessary */
            R.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === "img" &&
            R.target.getAttribute("src") !== "" /* avoid infinite loop */
        ) {
            R.target.setAttribute("src", "");

        /* if the record specifies a sub-element mutation… */
        for (let N of R.addedNodes) {
            if (
                (N instanceof Element) && /* this check might be necessary */
                N.tagName.toLowerCase() === "img" &&
                N.getAttribute("src") !== "" /* avoid infinite loop */
            ) {
                N.setAttribute("src", "");
})).observe(document, {
    /* changes wot we listen for */
    childList : true,
    subtree : true,
    attributes : true

/* part two: background-image styles */

let check_for_head_elem = function(_, Obs) {
    if (!document.head) {return;};

    /* apply our style */
    let Style = document.createElement("style");
    Style.sheet.insertRule("* {background-image : none !important;}", 0);

let check_for_root_elem = function(_, Obs) {
    if (!document.documentElement) {return;};

    /* observe until the <head> element is added */
    Obs = new MutationObserver(check_for_head_elem)
    Obs.observe(document.documentElement, {childList : true});
    check_for_head_elem(null, Obs); /* check here because it might exist already */

{/* observe until the <html> element is added */
    let Obs = new MutationObserver(check_for_root_elem);
    Obs.observe(document, {childList : true});
    check_for_root_elem(null, Obs); /* check here because it might exist already */

还有一些其他方法可以在页面上获取我没有考虑过的图像( <iframe><svg><canvas><li>项目符号点),但如有必要,您应该可以使用变异观察器或CSS也照顾这些。

一个简单,健壮的方法是在页面的任何其他页面加载之前设置CSS first-thing。

@run-at document-startGM_addStyle()执行此操作。 (在Firefox上;未在最新的Tampermonkey上测试)



// ==UserScript==
// @name     _Hide pics except for alt text
// @include  http://YOUR_SERVER.COM/YOUR_PATH/*
// @require  http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js
// @require  https://gist.github.com/raw/2625891/waitForKeyElements.js
// @grant    GM_addStyle
// @run-at   document-start
// ==/UserScript==
GM_addStyle ( "                                 \
    * {                                         \
        background-image: none !important;      \
    }                                           \
    img {                                       \
        display: none !important;               \
    }                                           \
" );

/*--- $(document).ready() is not always needed for modern Firefox, but
    use for maximum portability, when script runs at document-start.
$(document).ready ( function () {
    waitForKeyElements ("img", hideImageExceptForAltText);
} );

function hideImageExceptForAltText (jNode) {
    var imgAlt      = jNode.attr("alt")     || "";
    var imgTitle    = jNode.attr("title")   || "";

    jNode.after ('<span title="' + imgTitle + '">' + imgAlt + '</span>');


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