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[英]Autofac: resolve an open generic with conditions on its type parameters


public interface IMapper<TSource, TTarget>
    TTarget GetTarget(TSource source);

一个包装器接口IMapper<TSource, TTarget>根据其输入参数类型动态选择适当的IMapper<TSource, TTarget>

public interface IDynamicMapper
    T GetTarget<T>(object source);

我希望我的IDynamicMapper实现在运行时使用IMapper<TSource, TTarget>查找适当的IMapper<TSource, TTarget>组件,该组件的TSource等于source.GetType()并且TTargetT的派生类型(或T本身):

public class DynamicMapper : IDynamicMapper
    private readonly ILifetimeScope _scope;

    public DynamicMapper(ILifetimeScope scope)
        this._scope = scope;

    T IDynamicMapper.GetTarget<T>(object source)
        Type sourceType = source.GetType();
        Type targetBaseType = typeof(T);

        //TODO: find an IMapper<TSource, TTarget> implementation where
        // 1) Condition on TSource: typeof(TSource) == sourceType
        // 2) Condition on TTarget: targetBaseType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TTarget))
        // Many implementations can potentially match these criterias,
        // choose the 1st one
        // (this should not happen if the application is designed correctly)

        if (mapper == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(
                "Could not find an IMapper<TSource, TTarget> implementation" +
                " for the supplied parameters"

        // call mapper.GetTarget(source) and return the result
        // (mapper is probably dynamic, but its runtime type implements
        // TTarget IMapper<TSource, TTarget>.GetTarget(TSource source))




public interface IMapper<in TSource, out TTarget>
    TTarget GetTarget(TSource source);


T IDynamicMapper.GetTarget<T>(object source)
    Type sourceType = source.GetType();
    Type targetBaseType = typeof(TTarget);
    Type mapperType = typeof(IMapper<,>).MakeGenericType(sourceType, targetBaseType);

    // This fails with ComponentNotRegisteredException
    dynamic mapper = this._scope.Resolve(mapperType);

    // This also fails (mapper is null):
    // IEnumerable<object> mappers = (IEnumerable<object>)this._scope.Resolve(typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(mapperType));
    // dynamic mapper = mappers.FirstOrDefault();

    // Invoke method
    return mapper.GetTarget((dynamic)source);

但是,当调用Resolve(mapperType)Resolve(typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(mapperType)) ,尽管组件存在于容器的注册中,但仍未解析该组件,该组件映射到服务IMapper<TSource, TTarget> 第一个调用引发异常,第二个调用返回空的可枚举。


T IDynamicMapper.GetTarget<T>(object source) {

    Type mapperType = typeof(IMapper<,>).MakeGenericType(source.GetType(), typeof(T));

    // Will throw when no registration exists.
    // Note the use of 'dynamic'.
    dynamic mapper = scope.Resolve(mapperType);

    return (T)mapper.GetTarget<T>((dynamic)source);

Autofac不支持协变泛型类型( ISomething<out T> )。 在这种情况下,另一个IoC容器(例如Simple Injector)可以解决问题,但是为了使其与Autofac一起使用,我最终使用了另一个接口:


public interface IMapper<TSource, out TTarget> : IMapperLocator<TSource>
    TTarget Extract(TSource source);
public interface IMapperLocator<TSource>
public interface IDynamicMapper
    T Extract<T>(object source);


public class DynamicMapper : IDynamicMapper
    private readonly ILifetimeScope _scope;

    public DynamicMapper(ILifetimeScope scope)
        this._scope = scope;

    T IDynamicMapper.Extract<T>(object source)
        // Get useful types
        Type sourceType = source.GetType();
        Type targetBaseType = typeof(TTarget);
        Type mapperBaseType = typeof(IMapper<,>).MakeGenericType(sourceType, targetBaseType);
        Type locatorType = typeof(IMapperLocator<>).MakeGenericType(sourceType);
        Type enumType = typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(locatorType);

        // Get all mapper implementations that take a TSource with the
        // same type as the source object
        var mappers = (IEnumerable<object>)this._scope.Resolve(enumType);

        // Among all the mappers with the right TSource, select the one
        // with TTarget assignable to T (throws if there is 0 or more than
        // one mapper, as this would be an implementation error)
        dynamic mapper = mappers.Single(x => mapperBaseType.IsAssignableFrom(x.GetType()));

        // The method must implemented implicitly.
        // A workaround would be to use a wrapper (IMapperWrapper<TSource, out TTarget>)
        // that implements the method implicitly and invokes the mapper's method
        // without using dynamic
        return mapper.Extract((dynamic)source);


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