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如何修复在Excel VBA中返回意外结果的函数?

[英]How to fix function that is returning unexpected results in Excel VBA?

我有一个Room_ResultsGUI范围,并且想要创建将返回值的简单函数。 但是我的函数什么也不返回...不是错误只是空白值,不知道为什么。

TasGUID是带括号的字符串,这里是示例{6086FA55-54E5-4474-8599-2BB696170C73}我正在从第一行和第一列检查行和列引用,然后仅返回具有行和列的单元格。 不知道如何解决它,为什么它不起作用?

Function S(TasGUID As Variant) As Variant

    On Error GoTo blad:
    Dim bladTekst As String
    Dim category As String
    Dim zakres As Range

    category = "Total Room Air Flow Rate [l/s]"
    zakres = Range("Room_ResultsGUI")

    Dim kolumna As Long, wiersz As Long
    bladTekst = "No Data"

    kolumna = WorksheetFunction.Match(category, zakres.Rows(1), 0)
    wiersz = WorksheetFunction.Match(TasGUID, zakres.Columns(1), 0)
    S = zakres.Cells(wiersz, kolumna)

    Exit Function
    S = bladTekst
End Function


Function S(TasGUID As Variant) As Variant

    Dim category As String
    Dim zakres As Range
    Dim kolumna As Long, wiersz As Long

    category = "Total Room Air Flow Rate [l/s]"
    kolumna = WorksheetFunction.Match(category, Range("Room_ResultsGUI").Rows(1), 0)
    wiersz = WorksheetFunction.Match(TasGUID, Range("Room_ResultsGUI").Columns(1), 0)
    S = zakres.Cells(wiersz, kolumna)

End Function


SET zakres = Range("Room_ResultsGUI")

我不确定为什么设置它很重要。 像这样使用

Function S(TasGUID As Variant) As Variant

    On Error GoTo blad:
    Dim category As String
    Dim kolumna As Long, wiersz As Long

    category = "Total Room Air Flow Rate [l/s]"
    S = "No Data"

    kolumna = WorksheetFunction.Match(category, Range("Room_ResultsGUI").Rows(1), 0)
    wiersz = WorksheetFunction.Match(TasGUID, Range("Room_ResultsGUI").Columns(1), 0)
    S = Range("Room_ResultsGUI").Cells(wiersz, kolumna)

    Exit Function
    S = Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description

End Function

...就足够了。 我还删除了您的通用“无数据”,以提供实际的错误编号和描述。


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