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如何更新记录集? 如何将数据值从数据网格传递到文本框并在VB6中进行编辑?

[英]How to update recordset? How to pass data value from a datagrid to textbox and edit in VB6?

我在系统中使用VB6。 我想将数据网格的选定行值传递到文本框并编辑记录。 但是每次运行代码时都会遇到此错误。 “ BOF或EOF为True,或者当前记录已被删除。请求的操作需要当前记录。” 这是我在更新按钮中的代码。 请帮忙。 提前致谢! :D

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
Dim conn As New Connection
Dim myRS As New Recordset
Dim sql As Integer

conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DataSource=C:\Users\FSCNDCIT\Desktop\GSTD\GSTDdb.mdb"
myRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient
myRS.Open "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE ID = '" & DataGrid1.Text & "'", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic

frmGoSee.txtID.Text = myRS!ID  'This line was highlighted.
frmGoSee.txtGSTD.Text = myRS!GSTDCode
frmGoSee.txtGSTDCode.Text = myRS!WorkGroup
frmGoSee.txtTL.Text = myRS!TL
frmGoSee.txtDeptHead.Text = myRS!DeptHead
frmGoSee.txtParticipants.Text = myRS!Participants
frmGoSee.txtCoach.Text = myRS!Coach
frmGoSee.txtProblem_Des.Text = myRS!Problem_Des
frmGoSee.txtMI.Text = myRS!MI
frmGoSee.txtInter_Correction.Text = myRS!Inter_Correction
frmGoSee.txtICWho.Text = myRS!ICWho
frmGoSee.txtICWhen.Text = myRS!ICWhen
frmGoSee.txtICStatus.Text = myRS!ICStatus
frmGoSee.lblpicture.Caption = myRS!Picture
frmGoSee.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(lblpicture)

Set myRS = Nothing

End Sub

错误告诉您该查询未带回任何记录。 您的代码只是假设会有记录。 在尝试分配值之前,应检查是否有空的记录集。

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
    Dim conn As New Connection
    Dim myRS As New Recordset
    Dim sql As Integer

    conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DataSource=C:\Users\FSCNDCIT\Desktop\GSTD\GSTDdb.mdb"
    myRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    myRS.Open "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE ID = '" & DataGrid1.Text & "'", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic

    If myRS.EOF = False Then
        frmGoSee.txtID.Text = myRS!ID  'This line was highlighted.
        frmGoSee.txtGSTD.Text = myRS!GSTDCode
        frmGoSee.txtGSTDCode.Text = myRS!WorkGroup
        frmGoSee.txtTL.Text = myRS!TL
        frmGoSee.txtDeptHead.Text = myRS!DeptHead
        frmGoSee.txtParticipants.Text = myRS!Participants
        frmGoSee.txtCoach.Text = myRS!Coach
        frmGoSee.txtProblem_Des.Text = myRS!Problem_Des
        frmGoSee.txtMI.Text = myRS!MI
        frmGoSee.txtInter_Correction.Text = myRS!Inter_Correction
        frmGoSee.txtICWho.Text = myRS!ICWho
        frmGoSee.txtICWhen.Text = myRS!ICWhen
        frmGoSee.txtICStatus.Text = myRS!ICStatus
        frmGoSee.lblpicture.Caption = myRS!Picture
        frmGoSee.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(lblpicture)

        'Commented because nothing in the record has changed
        'There is nothing to update
    End If

    'checking the state of your objects here before closing would be good practice
    If Not myRS Is Nothing Then
        If myRS.State = adStateOpen Then
        End If
        Set myRS = Nothing
    End If
    If Not conn Is Nothing Then
        If conn.State = adStateOpen Then
        End If
        Set conn = Nothing
    End If

End Sub


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