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[英]Applescript waiting for a page to load

在继续执行applescript之前,我尝试了各种解决方案来轮询elementID。 我更喜欢投票而不是任意拖延。

set pageNotLoaded to true
    set doForThisID to do JavaScript "document.getElementById(‘thisElementID‘);"

    repeat while pageNotLoaded is true
            if (doForThisID contains "thisElementID") then
                set pageNotLoaded to false
            end if
        end try
    end repeat

我尝试了网络上提供的各种解决方案,但都没有成功。 任何人都可以提供任何建议以使此代码正常工作吗?

您的某些逻辑不正确,使事情变得混乱。 另外,最佳做法是让JavaScript通过嵌套.contains传递布尔值。 这是一个使用三种方法测试页面是否已加载的脚本:

一个javascript document.readyState

一个javascript document.contains



property testingID : "login"
property testingString : "Username:"

set pageLoaded to false
tell application "Safari"
    repeat while pageLoaded is false
        set readyState to (do JavaScript "document.readyState" in document 1)
        set foundID to (do JavaScript "document.contains(document.getElementById(" & quoted form of testingID & "))" in document 1)
        set pageText to text of document 1

        if (readyState is "complete") and (foundID is true) and (pageText contains testingString) then set pageLoaded to true
        delay 0.2
    end repeat
end tell
display dialog "Ready state of page: " & readyState & return & ¬
    "ID is loaded: " & foundID & return & ¬
    "Test string is loaded: " & testingString


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