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如何在这些元素上为 hide() 和 show() 的效果添加过渡?

[英]How do I add transition to the effect of hide() and show() on these elements?

在下面的 SSCCE 中,如何使用show().item的外观设置动画,并使用hide()它们的消失设置为动画,使其看起来像item5item6item7item8已飞入视口?

也就是说,我想要的是当.next-arrow被点击时,例如第一次, item1item2item3item4 ,以及item5item6item7item8 ,是“过渡" - 就像新页面流入本网站的视口一样


 $(document).ready(function() { //alert('ready');//check var numberOfItems = $('.item').length; //alert('numberOfItems => ' + numberOfItems);//check displayNextArrowOnCondition(); displayPreviousArrowOnCondition(); /** * **/ $('a.next-arrow').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var currentFirstItem = getCurrentFirstItem(); // Difference between var and no var SO: If you're in the global scope then there's no difference. If you're in a function then var will create a local variable, "no var" will look up the scope chain until it finds the variable or hits the global scope (at which point it will create it): $('div.item' + currentFirstItem).hide(); //We don't need to have the condition of checking this element's existence because the next-arrow whose handler this method is, appears only if the numberOfItems is greater than the id of the item with the greatest id among the elements currently visible on the screen. if (('div.item' + (currentFirstItem + 1)).length) { //SO: How can I check the existence of an element in jQuery?? In JavaScript, everything is truthy or falsy and for numbers, 0 means false, everything else true. So you could write: "if ($(selector).length)" - and you don't need that > 0 part. $('div.item' + (currentFirstItem + 1)).hide(); } if (('div.item' + (currentFirstItem + 2)).length) { $('div.item' + (currentFirstItem + 2)).hide(); } if (('div.item' + (currentFirstItem + 3)).length) { $('div.item' + (currentFirstItem + 3)).hide(); } hidePreviousArrow(); hideNextArrow(); displayPreviousArrowOnCondition(); displayNextArrowOnCondition(); }); /** * **/ $('a.previous-arrow').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var currentFirstItem = getCurrentFirstItem(); $('div.item' + (currentFirstItem - 1)).show(); if (('div.item' + (currentFirstItem - 2)).length) { $('div.item' + (currentFirstItem - 2)).show(); } if (('div.item' + (currentFirstItem - 3)).length) { $('div.item' + (currentFirstItem - 3)).show(); } if (('div.item' + (currentFirstItem - 4)).length) { $('div.item' + (currentFirstItem - 4)).show(); } hidePreviousArrow(); hideNextArrow(); displayPreviousArrowOnCondition(); displayNextArrowOnCondition(); }); /** * DISPLAY NEXT ARROW WHEN * 1. NUMBER OF ITEMS IS GREATER THAN THE id OF THE LAST ITEM DISPLAYED IN THE CURRENT VIEWPORT **/ function displayNextArrowOnCondition() { //alert('displayNextArrowOnCondition called');//check //Iterate through items in OPPOSTIE order, and when found the first one which is not hidden by hide() or display:none, assign it to currentLastItem (because this is the first item in the viewport), and break out from the loop. var currentLastItem = getCurrentLastItem(); //alert('currentLastItem -> ' + currentLastItem);//check if (currentLastItem < numberOfItems) { $('a.next-arrow').css('display', 'block'); $('.wrapper').mouseover(function() { //$('a.next-arrow').css('visibility', 'visible'); }); $('.wrapper').mouseleave(function() { //$('a.next-arrow').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); } } /** * DISPLAY PREVIOUS ARROW WHEN * 1. THE id OF THE FIRST DISPLAYED ITEM IS GREATER THAN 4 **/ function displayPreviousArrowOnCondition() { //Iterate through items in order, and when found the first one which is not hidden by hide() or display:none, assign it to currentFirstItem (because this is the first item in the viewport), and break out from the loop. var currentFirstItem = getCurrentFirstItem(); if (currentFirstItem > 4) { $('a.previous-arrow').css('display', 'block'); $('.wrapper').mouseover(function() { $('a.previous-arrow').css('visibility', 'visible'); }); $('.wrapper').mouseleave(function() { $('a.previous-arrow').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); } } /** * DISPLAY:NONE NEXT ARROW IF IT IS VISIBLE **/ function hideNextArrow() { //alert('hideNextArrow called');//check if ($('a.next-arrow').css('display').toLowerCase() == 'block') { //The == operator will compare for equality after doing any necessary type conversions. The === operator will not do the conversion, so if two values are not the same type === will simply return false.| Just in case anyone was wondering in 2012: === is way faster than ==. jsperf.com/comparison-of-comparisons. //alert('YES if ($(\\'a.next-arrow\\').attr(\\'display\\').toLowerCase() == \\'block\\'). SO I AM CHANGING IT TO none.');//check $('a.next-arrow').css('display', 'none'); } //else { alert('NO if ($(\\'a.next-arrow\\').attr(\\'display\\').toLowerCase() == \\'block\\').'); } //check } /** * DISPLAY:NONE PREVIOUS ARROW IF IT IS VISIBLE **/ function hidePreviousArrow() { //alert('hidePreviousArrow called');//check //alert($('a.previous-arrow').css('display'));//check if ($('a.previous-arrow').css('display') == 'block') { //alert('YES if ($(\\'a.previous-arrow\\').attr(\\'display\\').toLowerCase() == \\'block\\'). SO I AM CHANGING IT TO none.');//check $('a.previous-arrow').css('display', 'none'); } //else { alert('NO if ($(\\'a.previous-arrow\\').attr(\\'display\\').toLowerCase() == \\'block\\').'); } //check } /** * **/ function getCurrentFirstItem() { for (i = 1; i <= numberOfItems; i++) { if ($("#" + i).visible(true, true)) { //alert('YES if ( $("#"+i).visible(true, true) )');//check currentFirstItem = i; break; } //else { //alert('NO if ( $("#"+i).visible(true, true) )'); }//check } //alert('currentFirstItem -> ' + currentFirstItem);//check return currentFirstItem; } /** * **/ function getCurrentLastItem() { for (j = numberOfItems; j >= 1; j--) { if ($("#" + j).visible(true, true)) { //alert("YES if ( $(\\"#\\"+j).visible(true, true) ) ");//check currentLastItem = j; break; } //else { //alert('NO if ( $("#"+j).visible(true, true) )'); } //check } //alert('currentLastItem -> ' + currentLastItem);//check return currentLastItem; } });
 html, body, body div, span, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, abbr, address, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, samp, small, strong, sub, sup, var, b, i, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section, time, mark, audio, video, details, summary { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px none; background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%; font-size: 100%; vertical-align: baseline; } .wrapper { position: relative; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } div.item { /*position:absolute;*/ display: inline-block; width: 25%; height: 25vw; } .item1 { left: 0%; background-color: wheat; } .item2 { left: 25%; background-color: pink; } .item3 { left: 50%; background-color: beige; } .item4 { left: 75%; background-color: gainsboro; } .item5 { left: 100%; background-color: coral; } .item6 { left: 125%; background-color: crimson; } .item7 { left: 150%; background-color: aquamarine; } .item8 { left: 175%; background-color: darkgoldenrod; } .item9 { left: 200%; background-color: khaki; } .item10 { left: 225%; background-color: indianred; } .item11 { left: 250%; background-color: mediumspringgreen; } .previous-arrow, .next-arrow { width: 30px; height: 50%; top: 50%; position: absolute; opacity: 0.7; color: white; background-repeat: no-repeat; margin-top: -30px; display: none; } .previous-arrow { background-image: url(a2.png); left: 0px; } .next-arrow { background-image: url(b2.png); right: 0px; } .previous-arrow, .next-arrow { opacity: 1; } body { background-color: black; }
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.visible/1.1.0/jquery.visible.min.js"></script> <div class="wrapper"> <a class="previous-arrow" href="">&gt;</a>--> <!-- --> <div id="1" class="item item1 wheat">a.</div> <!-- --> <div id="2" class="item item2 pink">a.</div> <!-- --> <div id="3" class="item item3 beige">a.</div> <!-- --> <div id="4" class="item item4 gainsboro">a.</div> <!-- --> <div id="5" class="item item5 coral">a.</div> <!-- --> <div id="6" class="item item6 crimson">a.</div> <!-- --> <div id="7" class="item item7 darkgoldenrod">a.</div> <!-- --> <div id="8" class="item item8 aquamarine">a.</div> <!-- --> <div id="9" class="item item9 aquamarine">a.</div> <!-- --> <div id="10" class="item item10 aquamarine">a.</div> <!-- --> <div id="11" class="item item11 aquamarine">a.</div> <!-- --><a class="next-arrow" href="">&lt;</a> </div>

您可以使用css过渡或css动画。 动画如:

  1. 定义css类规则并将类名分配给要设置动画的元素

 .doFadeIn { -webkit-animation:fadeInSlide forwards ease-in 150ms; animation:fadeInSlide forwards ease-in 150ms; } .doFadeOut { -webkit-animation:fadeOutSlideDown forwards ease-out 150ms; animation:fadeOutSlideDown forwards ease-out 150ms; } 

  1. 定义动画的关键帧

  @keyframes fadeInSlide { 0% { opactity:0; transform: translateX(-100px); } 100% { opactity:1; transform: translateX(0); } } 

将doFadeIn分配给元素的类名时,它们将:淡入 - 不透明度:0到1(0%可见到100%可见)沿元素原始位置左侧100px的水平轴(X)移动到其原始位置。


 <div id="my-widget1" class="my-widget"><div> <div id="my-widget1" class="my-widget doFadeIn"><div> 




您可以传递show()函数的参数,如.show('slow') ,它将执行动画,如fadeIn()函数。






    $("#search-guide").focusin(function () {



    $("#search-guide").focusin(function () {




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