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MySQL 计算列值相同的行,并选择计数大于 2 的行

[英]MySQL count rows where column value is same and select them where count is greater than 2



Select * from table where bundle = 5 and count(bundle) >= 3

这将是一个连接表,因此从技术上讲,我需要具有相同事务的包数大于 2。


id | transaction | bundle
1  | 123         | 5
3  | 234         | 15
12 | 1111        | 5
13 | 1111        | 15
17 | 1111        | 5
18 | 1111        | 5


select * from table_i as ti
right join table_r as tr
on tr.id = ti.t_id
where ti.type_id = x and ti.bundle = 5 and ti.online = 1 and count(ti.bundle) >=5



SELECT ti.*, tr.*
FROM ticket_items AS ti
INNER join transactions as tr
ON tr.id = ti.trans_id
    SELECT tis.trans_id, COUNT(tis.bundle) AS bundle_count
    FROM ticket_items as tis
    INNER join transactions as trs
    ON trs.id = tis.trans_id
    WHERE tis.type_id = 2
    AND tis.bundle = 5 
    AND tis.online = 1 
    HAVING bundle_count > 2
) sub0
ON sub0.trans_id = ti.trans_id
WHERE ti.type_id = 2
AND ti.bundle = 5 
AND ti.online = 1 

结果: 1328 1 1 766 2 5 25 1 1 2015-10-26 20:26:41 2015-10-27 00:00:02 0 766 1 0 John Doe 123-123-1234 NULL email@email.com NULL NULL NULL NULL 1 164 Cedar Square NULL 123 rrt city province country 125 2015-10-26 20:26:41 2015-10-26 20:26:41 125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1


id | lot | system | trans_id | type | bundle | price | print | online | date                | update              | void
1    1     2        1          1      1        100     1       0        2015-10-01 23:30:12   2015-10-03 18:49:25   0
2    1     2        1          2      15       50      1       0        2015-10-01 23:30:12   2015-10-03 16:48:15   0
3    1     3        2          1      1        100     1       0        2015-10-02 00:13:57   2015-10-02 00:22:17   1
4    1     3        2          2      15       50      1       0        2015-10-02 00:13:57   2015-10-02 00:19:17   1


id | lot_id | cust | first | last| number |||||||
1  | 1      | 23   | john  | doe | 123


SELECT ti.id, ti.transaction, count(ti.bundle)
FROM table_i as ti
JOIN table_r as tr
  ON tr.id = ti.id
WHERE ti.type_id = x 
  AND ti.bundle = 5 
  AND ti.online = 1 
  AND count(ti.bundle) >=5

我认为你需要使用having 像这样的东西:

select ti.*, count(ti.bundle) from table_i as ti
right join table_r as tr
on tr.id = ti.t_id
where ti.type_id = x and ti.bundle = 5 and ti.online = 1
group by ti.bundle
having count(ti.bundle) >=5; /* or >= 3 depending on which you're using now*/

如果我理解正确,您想找到超过 3 个的交易,其中交易代码为 5 个且 online = 1,然后从 2 个表中带回该交易的所有行,交易量为 5和在线 = 1

如果是这样,子查询以获取计数超过 3 的事务,然后将其连接回 2 个表:-

SELECT ti.*, tr.*
FROM table_i AS ti
INNER join table_r as tr
ON tr.id = ti.t_id
    SELECT tis.transaction, COUNT(tis.bundle) AS bundle_count
    FROM table_i as tis
    INNER join table_r as trs
    ON trs.id = tis.t_id
    WHERE tis.type_id = x 
    AND tis.bundle = 5 
    AND tis.online = 1 
    GROUP BY tis.transaction
    HAVING bundle_count >= 3
) sub0
ON sub0.transaction = ti.transaction
WHERE ti.type_id = x 
AND ti.bundle = 5 
AND ti.online = 1 


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