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[英]Inheriting Comparable with generics


 * A base class implementing Comparable with itself by delegation.
 * @param <T> - The type being wrapped.
static class Distinct<T extends Comparable<T>> implements Comparable<Distinct<T>> {
    final T it;
    public Distinct(T it) {
        this.it = it;
    public int compareTo(Distinct<T> o) {
        return it.compareTo(o.it);
 * A set of distinct items.
 * @param <T>
static class ThingHolder<T extends Comparable<T>> {
    final Set<T> things;
    public ThingHolder() {
        this.things = new TreeSet<>();
 * A sample real thing.
static class Thing extends Distinct<String> {
    public Thing(String it) {
// This doesn't work - Why?
final ThingHolder<Thing> yz = new ThingHolder<>();


com/oldcurmudgeon/test/Test.java:[70,22] error: type argument Thing is not within bounds of type-variable T
  where T is a type-variable:
    T extends Comparable<T> declared in class ThingHolder

为什么这不起作用? 可以吗?

  1. 如果将类型参数X传递给ThingHolder它必须是Comparable<X>的子类型(通过ThingHolder的类声明)。
  2. 因此,如果将Thing类型传递给ThingHolder它必须是Comparable<Thing>的子类型。 (根据之前的陈述,将Thing替换为X
  3. Thing扩展了Distinct<String> ,因此实现了Comparable<Distinct<String>> (通过Thing的类声明)。
  4. ThingDistinct<String>类型Distinct<String> - 尽管它是一个子类型 - 因此类型匹配失败。

你可以通过调整ThingHolder的类声明来解决这个ThingHolder ,如下所示:

class ThingHolder<T extends Comparable<? super T>> {


通常,如果您的API只使用类型参数T作为参数,则其使用应该利用较低的有界通配符(?super T)。

一些修补(添加? super T )略微放松限制叶:

 * A set of distinct items.
 * Don't like the <?> in there but a <T> is not accepted.
 * @param <T>
static class ThingHolder<T extends Comparable<? super T>> {

    final Set<T> things = new TreeSet<>();


final ThingHolder<Thing> holder = new ThingHolder<>();


一般我不喜欢用? 为了填补空白,因为它通常允许过多,但在这种情况下,我会留下它。


static class ThingHolder<T extends Comparable> {

即从Comparable删除<T> ,没有必要。

class ThingHolder<T extends Comparable<T>>声明事物 T必须与自身相当,但class Thing extends Distinct<String>不是。


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