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进行while循环的正确方法是什么? 我的方式不起作用

[英]What is the correct way to make a while loop?? my way is not working

下面是我的程序,我的第一个while陈述很好用,但是第二个是我遇到问题的地方。 哪里说

    enterAnother = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( " Do you want to produce more labels? Y or N " );
    while (enterAnother.equals("Y") || enterAnother.equals("y"))

下面是我的程序,我的第一个while陈述很好用,但是第二个是我遇到问题的地方。 哪里说

   enterAnother = JOptionPane.showInputDialog


问题是从哪里开始的,我要问的是问用户您想产生更多的标签吗? Y或N,如果它们将Y或y遮盖起来,它将重复并使其更贴标签。 为了做到这一点,我需要在while (enterAnother.equals("Y") || enterAnother.equals("y"))再进行一次while (count <= numBoxes)循环,谢谢您的帮助。 同样,目前我的代码没有错误,但是当然,当我运行它时,一切都会大便。

     import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // Imports JOptionPane class.

public class MailOrderEMHPractice
   public static void main( String[] args )
// Declare string variables
String title;
String firstName;
String lastName;
String streetAddress;
String city;
String state;
String zip;
int numBoxes;
int count = 1;
String enterAnother = "Y"; //INITILIZE the loop control variable

String value = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Number of Boxes: ");
    numBoxes = Integer.parseInt(value);

//get input values from user
 title = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "What is your title ex. (Ms. Mr. Dr.) " );

//get input values from user
firstName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "Enter First Name: " );

//get input values from user
lastName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "Enter Last Name: " );

//get input values from user
streetAddress = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "Enter Street Address: " );

//get input values from user
city = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "Enter City: " );

//get input values from user
state = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "Enter State: " );

//get input values from user
zip = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( "Enter Zip Code: " );

while (count <= numBoxes)
    System.out.println( "Box" + count + "of" + numBoxes);
    System.out.println( title + firstName + lastName );
    System.out.println( streetAddress );
    System.out.println( city + state + zip );
    count = count + 1;
//get input values from user
enterAnother = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
( " Do you want to produce more labels? Y or N " );

 while (enterAnother.equals("Y") || enterAnother.equals("y"))
        //get input values from user
         title = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
        ( "What is your title ex. (Ms. Mr. Dr.) " );

        //get input values from user
        firstName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
        ( "Enter First Name: " );

        //get input values from user
        lastName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
        ( "Enter Last Name: " );

        //get input values from user
        streetAddress = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
        ( "Enter Street Address: " );

        //get input values from user
        city = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
        ( "Enter City: " );

        //get input values from user
        state = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
        ( "Enter State: " );

        //get input values from user
        zip = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
        ( "Enter Zip Code: " );

        String numBoxesString;
        numBoxesString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
         ( "Enter Number of Boxes: " );
        numBoxes = Integer.parseInt(numBoxesString);

        //get input values from user to stop or continue loop
        enterAnother = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
        ( " Do you want to produce more labels? Y or N " );

        while (count <= numBoxes)
                            System.out.println( "Box" + count + "of" + numBoxes);
                            System.out.println( title + firstName + lastName );
                            System.out.println( streetAddress );
                            System.out.println( city + state + zip );
                            count = count + 1;

    // End program.


while (enterAnother...){


enterAnother = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(...)


我看到了。 您需要在执行while循环之前将“ count”变量设置回0,以便在循环底部再次打印出标签。 您还可以考虑将有关以下内容的问题转给用户:在循环打印出他们刚刚放入的内容后,他们是否要打印更多内容。我注意到,就像流程问题一样,您问用户要多少盒首先在第一轮,然后在循环中,您问用户最后有多少个盒子。 就像用户一样,这让我感到困惑。 只是给您一个心理上的注意。

    // get input values from user to stop or continue loop
    enterAnother = JOptionPane
        .showInputDialog(" Do you want to produce more labels? Y or N ");
    count = 0; // <---- this is the code you need to put in to make it work
    while (count <= numBoxes)
    System.out.println("Box" + count + "of"
        + numBoxes);
    System.out.println(title + firstName
        + lastName);
    System.out.println(city + state + zip);
    count = count + 1;


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