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[英]how to call a variable in a public function from another function within the same class in php

class Pen  
    public $color;  
    public function clr()  
        $this->color = "Red";  
    public function write()  
        echo $this->color; //if i write $ before color it gives me an error
$a = new Pen();  

我试图在write()函数中写一个$美元,但是它给了我一个错误,并且在此代码中它什么也没显示,我什至试图使用“类名::函数名()-> color;” 也没有用,我尝试了很多我在这里找到的东西,但没有一个对我有用


class Pen  
    public $color;  

    // Constructor, this is called when you do a new
    public function __construct($color = null)  
        // Call setColor to set the color

    // Method to set the color
    public function setColor($color) {
        $this->color = $color;

    // Write out the color
    public function write()  
        echo $this->color; 

// Construct a new red pen
$a = new Pen('red');  

// Write with it

// Change the color to blue

// Write with it



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