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[英]Redis sentinel marks slaves as down

我正在尝试使用三台将运行三台Redis服务器和三台Redis前哨的机器来设置典型的Redis前哨配置。 Redis服务器的主/从部分工作正常,但前哨不工作。 当我启动两个岗哨时,与主岗哨的岗哨检测到从属,但在指定的时间后将其标记为关闭。 我在debian jessie机器上运行Redis 3.0.5 64位。

8319:X 22 Dec 14:06:17.855 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128.
8319:X 22 Dec 14:06:17.855 # Sentinel runid is   cdd5bbd5b84c876982dbca9d45ecc4bf8500e7a2
8319:X 22 Dec 14:06:17.855 # +monitor master mymaster xxxxxxxx0 6379 quorum 2
8319:X 22 Dec 14:06:18.857 * +slave slave xxxxxxxx2:6379 xxxxxxx2 6379 @ mymaster xxxxxxx0 6379
8319:X 22 Dec 14:06:18.858 * +slave slave xxxxxx1:6380 xxxxxxx1 6380 @ mymaster xxxxxxx0 6379
8319:X 22 Dec 14:07:18.862 # +sdown slave xxxxxxxx1:6380 xxxxxxx1 6380 @ mymaster xxxxxx0 6379
8319:X 22 Dec 14:07:18.862 # +sdown slave xxxxxx2:6379 xxxxxxx2    6379 @ mymaster xxxxxx0 6379


daemonize yes
pidfile "/var/run/redis/redis-sentinel.pid"
logfile "/var/log/redis/redis-sentinel.log"
bind xxxxxxx0
port 26379
sentinel monitor mymaster xxxxxxx0 6379 2
sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 60000
sentinel config-epoch mymaster 0
sentinel leader-epoch mymaster 0
dir "/var/lib/redis"


7553:S 22 Dec 13:46:33.285 * Connecting to MASTER xxxxxxxx0:6379 <br/>
7553:S 22 Dec 13:46:33.286 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started 
7553:S 22 Dec 13:46:33.286 * Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.
7553:S 22 Dec 13:46:33.287 * Master replied to PING, replication can     continue...
7553:S 22 Dec 13:46:33.288 * Partial resynchronization not possible (no   cached master)
7553:S 22 Dec 13:46:33.291 * Full resync from master: f637ca8fe003acd09c6d021aed3f89a0d9994c9b:98290
7553:S 22 Dec 13:46:33.350 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: receiving 18 bytes from master
7553:S 22 Dec 13:46:33.350 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Flushing old data
7553:S 22 Dec 13:46:33.350 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Loading DB in memory
7553:S 22 Dec 13:46:33.350 * MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Finished with success
7553:S 22 Dec 14:01:33.072 * 1 changes in 900 seconds. Saving...

我可以回答自己。 问题是出现在哨兵conf中的第一个IP是localhost ip。 它必须是绑定IP。 以防万一它服务于任何人。


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