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[英]Why can't Rust infer an appropriate lifetime for my trait method?

我有一个take_head两个参数的函数take_head :一个切片,以及切片“head”中的项目数(“head”是前n项目,“tail”是头后面的所有内容) 。 它将切片分成两部分:它返回的head和设置参数的tail 这是显示它如何使用的main功能:

fn main() {
    let mut strings = &mut ["a", "b", "c"][..];
    println!("original: {:?}", strings);

    // head should ["a"], and strings should be set to the tail (["b", "c"]).
    let head = take_head(&mut strings, 1);

    println!("head: {:?}", head);    // Should print ["a"].
    println!("tail: {:?}", strings); // Should print ["b", "c"].


fn take_head<'a>(strings: &mut &'a mut [&'a str], n: usize) -> &'a mut [&'a str] {
    let value = std::mem::replace(strings, &mut []);
    let (head, tail) = value.split_at_mut(n);
    *strings = tail;

    println!("returning head: {:?}", head);


 original: ["a", "b", "c"] returning head: ["a"] head: ["a"] tail: ["b", "c"] 


// Make a convenient trait for slices.
pub trait TakeFrontMut<T> {
    fn take_front_mut(&mut self, n: usize) -> &mut [T];

impl<'a, T> TakeFrontMut <T> for &'a mut [T] {
    fn take_front_mut(&mut self, n: usize) -> &mut [T] {
        // It's the same code as before, just in a trait method.
        let value = std::mem::replace(self, &mut []);
        let (head, tail) = value.split_at_mut(n);
        *self = tail;
        return head;

fn take_head<'a>(strings: &mut &'a mut [&'a str], n: usize) -> &'a mut [&'a str] {
    let head = strings.take_front_mut(n);
    println!("returning head: {:?}", head);


 <anon>:15:24: 15:41 error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements [E0495] <anon>:15 let head = strings.take_front_mut(n); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <anon>:14:1: 18:2 help: consider using an explicit lifetime parameter as shown: fn take_head<'a>(strings: &'a mut &'a mut [&'a str], n: usize) -> &'a mut [&'a str] <anon>:14 fn take_head<'a>(strings: &mut &'a mut [&'a str], n: usize) -> &'a mut [&'a str] { <anon>:15 let head = strings.take_front_mut(n); <anon>:16 println!("returning head: {:?}", head); <anon>:17 head <anon>:18 } 

问题 :为什么第二个版本会产生错误? 解析器无法确定合适的生命周期有什么不同? 我不明白为什么会失败,我不确定这些相互矛盾的要求是什么。

是的, take_head函数是愚蠢的,但它是我能做的最简单的MVCE仍然捕获与我的真实代码相同的问题。

take_front_mut的签名未指定返回值的正确生存期。 它应该是&'a mut [T] ,因为那是你分裂的切片的生命周期。 这也要求您对特征本身进行更改。

pub trait TakeFrontMut<'a, T> {
    fn take_front_mut(&mut self, n: usize) -> &'a mut [T];

impl<'a, T> TakeFrontMut<'a, T> for &'a mut [T] {
    fn take_front_mut(&mut self, n: usize) -> &'a mut [T] {
        let value = std::mem::replace(self, &mut []);
        let (head, tail) = value.split_at_mut(n);
        *self = tail;
        return head;


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