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[英]How to move a div from left to right using javascript

我有一个名为movingImage div ,每次单击按钮时我都想向右移动50px。


function moving_Image() {
    document.getElementById("movingImage").style.right = "50px";

和 html:

<h1 id="movingImage"> __________ </h1>
<input type="button" value="click me" onclick="moving_Image()"> 

要移动的元素,需要有CSS属性position: relative;

我也将.style.left改为.style.right ,你会明白为什么:

 var imageOffset = 0 function moving_Image() { imageOffset += 50 document.getElementById("movingImage").style.left = imageOffset + "px"; }
 #movingImage { position: relative; }
 <h1 id="movingImage">__________</h1> <input type="button" value="click me" onclick="moving_Image()">



        function movingImage(){
            var movingImage = document.getElementById("movingImage").style.left;
            movingImage.style.left = movingImage.substring(0,MovingImage.length-1) + 50.toString() + "px";
    <h1 id="movingImage" style="position: absolute; left: 0px;">Move Image!</h1>
    <input type="button" value="Move, Move Image!" onclick="movingImage()"> 

我认为 CodeiSir 已经涵盖了它,但我想分享一些我在玩代码时所做的一些关于一些通用 JavaScript 事物的笔记,以及我今天学到的一些新东西。

1) 将您的 JS 与您的 HTML 分开。


<input type="button" value="click me" onclick="moving_Image()">


<button>Click me</button>

document.querySelector('button').onclick = moving_Image;

2) 有一个名为offsetLeft (也称为offsetRightoffsetRight )的元素,它是一个只读属性,显示当前元素的左上角向左偏移了多少。 例如,我们可以这样写:

div.style.left = (div.offsetLeft + amount) + 'px';

3) 使用一系列按钮来移动元素不同的量可能会很有趣,也许是通过向按钮添加数据属性:

<button data-amount="50">by 50</button>


function movingImage(e) {
  var amount = +e.target.dataset.amount;
  div.style.left = (div.offsetLeft + amount) + 'px';

完整的代码。 注意我还通过click事件传入 div 元素。


<div id="movingImage"> __________ </div>
<button data-amount="5">by 5</button>
<button data-amount="20">by 20</button>
<button data-amount="50">by 50</button>


function movingImage(el, e) {

  // adding a preceding + coerces the string to an integer
  var amount = +e.target.dataset.amount;
  el.style.left = (el.offsetLeft + amount) + 'px';

var div = document.getElementById("movingImage");
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button');

// [].slice.call basically makes the nodelist an array
// so that you can use the native array functions on it.
[].slice.call(buttons).forEach(function (button) {

  // here were just binding the div element to the click
  // event. We could just have easily written
  // button.onclick = movingImage;
  // and then referred to div instead of el in the function
  button.onclick = movingImage.bind(this, div);


这是我使用 javascript 从左到右移动 div 的版本:

<!DOCTYPE html>
           #myDIV {
              position: absolute;
              background-color: coral;
              color: white;
            Click the "Try it" button to position the DIV element 100 pixels from the right edge:
            <strong>Note:</strong> If the position property is set to "static", the right property has no effect.
        <button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
        <div id="movingImage">
            This is My Div!!
            function myFunction() {
               let movingImage = document.getElementById("movingImage");
               if (movingImage.style.right = "100px") {
                  movingImage.style.right = "0px";
               } else {
                  movingImage.style.right = "100px";

源代码: https : //www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp ? filename = tryjsref_style_left https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_if.asp


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