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[英]How to differentiate a MP3,MP4 file?

我不想使用 pathExtension 来执行此操作,因为它不严格。 我通过文件头区分图像文件,但我找不到关于 MP3/MP4 的任何信息。


要确定它是 mp3,请查看文件的前两个或三个字节。 如果它是49 44 33ff fb ,你有一个 mp3

ftyp的签名可能表示一个.mp4 文件

这是我为此目的编写的一些 Swift 代码:

import Foundation

var c = 0;
for arg in Process.arguments {
    print("argument \(c) is: \(arg)")

let pathToFile = Process.arguments[1]

do {
    let fileData = try NSData.init(contentsOfFile: pathToFile, options: NSDataReadingOptions.DataReadingMappedIfSafe)

    if fileData.length > 0
        let count = 8

        // create array of appropriate length:
        var array = [UInt8](count: count, repeatedValue: 0)

        // copy bytes into array
        fileData.getBytes(&array, length:count * sizeof(UInt8))

        var st = String(NSString(format:"%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X",
            array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7]))

        // 49 44 33 is mp3

        print("first \(count) bytes are \(st)")

        // f t y p seems to determine a .mp4 file
        st = String(NSString(format:"%c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c",
            array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7]))

        print("first \(count) bytes are \(st)")
} catch let error as NSError {
    print("error while trying to read from \(pathToFile) - \(error.localizedDescription)")

你会想做你对图像所做的事情,并使用两个文件中的标题信息来确定它是 mp3 文件还是 mp4 文件。 这里有关于 mp4 标头的信息: 任何熟悉 mp4 数据结构的人? .

斯威夫特 5

func doStuff(fileData: Data) {
    if fileData.count > 0 {
        let count = 8

        // create array of appropriate length:
        var array = [UInt8](unsafeUninitializedCapacity: count) { buffer, initializedCount in
            for x in 0..<count { buffer[x] = 0 }
            initializedCount = count

        // copy bytes into array
        fileData.copyBytes(to: &array, count: count * UInt8.bitWidth)

        var st = String(NSString(format: "%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X",
            array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7]))

        // 49 44 33 is mp3
        print("first \(count) bytes are \(st)")

        // f t y p seems to determine a .mp4 file
        st = String(NSString(format: "%c %c %c %c %c %c %c %c",
            array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3], array[4], array[5], array[6], array[7]))

        print("first \(count) bytes are \(st)")


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