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[英]XML to postscript using xsltproc

我正在尝试为XML文档生成一个后记文件。 我可以使用xsltproc生成纯文本或html输出。

xsltproc --output output.txt xslFile.xsl input.xml


实现此目的的一种可能性是将XML文件转换为XSL-FO ,然后使用Apache-FOP通过以下方式将其转换为Postscript文件:

fop -xml input.xml -xsl xml2fo.xsl -ps output.ps

目前,我在网上找不到用于此任务的简单XSL文件,但这取决于您希望输出看起来如何。 为此转换创建基本的XSLT并不难。


-pdf outfile      input will be rendered as PDF (outfile req'd)
-pdfa1b outfile   input will be rendered as PDF/A-1b compliant PDF
                    (outfile req'd, same as "-pdf outfile -pdfprofile PDF/A-1b")
-awt              input will be displayed on screen 
-rtf outfile      input will be rendered as RTF (outfile req'd)
-pcl outfile      input will be rendered as PCL (outfile req'd) 
-ps outfile       input will be rendered as PostScript (outfile req'd) 
-afp outfile      input will be rendered as AFP (outfile req'd)
-tiff outfile     input will be rendered as TIFF (outfile req'd)
-png outfile      input will be rendered as PNG (outfile req'd)
-txt outfile      input will be rendered as plain text (outfile req'd) 


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