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[英]My program is printing only the last input from the ArrayList

发票,但此处的toString方法仅显示最后输入的项目,而不显示三个项目名称,数量,价格和totalPrice。 我对addItemLine和toString有疑问。 有人可以看到我在这里想念的吗? 我能够过去lineItem类代码。

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Transaction {
     private ArrayList<lineItem> lineItems;
     private int customerID;
     private String customerName; 

public Transaction (int customerID, String customerName){
      this.customerID= customerID;
      this.customerName= customerName;
      this.lineItems= new ArrayList<>();
    public int getcustomerID(){
        return customerID;
    public void setcustomerID(int customerID){
        this.customerID = customerID;

    public String getcustomerName(){
        return customerName;
    public void setcustomerName(String customerName){
        this.customerName = customerName;
    public ArrayList addItemLine(lineItem line){

          Scanner mykey=new Scanner(System.in);
          for (int i=0; i<2;i++){
          String k= line.getItemName();
          int m= line.getQuantity();
          double d= line.getPrice();   

          System.out.println("enter item name:");
          k = mykey.next();
          System.out.println("enter quantity:");
          m= mykey.nextInt();
          System.out.println("enter unit price:");
          d= mykey.nextDouble();
          line.getItemName(); line.getQuantity(); line.getPrice();
          lineItems.add(new lineItem(k,m,d));
          return this.lineItems;
       public void updateItem(String item, int quant, double pri){
           lineItem l= new lineItem(item, quant, pri);
           int m=0;
           m= l.getQuantity();
           double tot=0;    
   public double getTotalPrice(){
         double totalPrice = 0;

         for (int i =0;i<2; i++){
              lineItem item = lineItems.get(i);
              totalPrice = totalPrice + item.getTotalPrice();
             return totalPrice;

public String getLineItem( String s, int d, double k){
      lineItem o= new lineItem(s,d,k);
      for (int i =0;i<2; i++){
      if (!s.equals(o.getItemName()))
      System.out.println("item not found");
         s= (o.getItemName() + o.getQuantity() + o.getPrice());
     return s;
public String toString(lineItem lin) {
      String a="", b="";

      a=("Customer ID:" + this.getcustomerID() + "\n" + "Customer Name: " +   
      for (int i=0; i<2;i++){
      b= ("\n\n" + lin.getItemName() + "\t" + "Qty" + lin.getQuantity() + "   
      + "@" + lin.getPrice() + "  "+ "\t" + "$" + lin.getTotalPrice());  
      return a + b;


    import java.util.Scanner;

   public class TransactionTesting {

          public static void main(String args[]) {
                String m=""; int g=0; double r=0; int id=0; String name="";

                Scanner mykey= new Scanner(System.in);
                System.out.println("enter customer name:");
                name= mykey.nextLine();
                System.out.println("enter customer ID:");

            Transaction mytrans= new Transaction(id, name);
            lineItem line= new lineItem(m,g,r);



public String toString() {
        String a="", b="";

        a=("Customer ID:" + this.getcustomerID() + "\n" + "Customer Name: " +   
        for (lineItem item : this.lineItems)
            b += ("\n\n" + item.getItemName() + "\t" + "Qty" + item.getQuantity() + "   "   
                    + "@" + item.getPrice() + "  "+ "\t" + "$" + item.getPrice());  

        return a + b;



您不需要任何参数即可打印整个列表。 尝试重构一下代码。 它可以工作,但是可以写得越来越好;)



正在打印传递给它的单个lineitem。 您可能想要的是让Transaction.toString()遍历其列表Transaction.lineItems并依次打印每个项目。

实际上, Transaction.toString()不需要接受lineItem参数,该方法仅应打印出类实例的内部。

2) Transacton.addItemLine()也有类似的混淆。 它接受一个lineItem,提示用户输入新值,更新lineItem ..然后构造一个新的lineItem以存储在Transaction.lineItems 它实际上并没有引起我可以看到的错误,但是您应该完全摆脱lineItem参数; addItemLine不需要它。


for (int i=0; i<2;i++){ }

循环两次,而不是三次。 我相信您会在测试中发现这一点。

4)在addItemLine的末尾附近还有一行代码,实际上没有任何作用! 也许您可以自己发现那个。


简而言之,在方法“ addItemLine”中,您从1个lineItem中获取数据,用一些键盘输入将其覆盖,然后在列表中放入2个其他 lineItem实例。 然后,在测试代码中打印原始的lineItem,甚至不在列表中。

该方法本身不进行任何迭代,仅创建两次相同的字符串“ b”。 我建议您看一些关于数组和循环的教程。

只是一个快速的未经测试的解决方案可能会起作用。 从您的代码中复制了某些内容,由于您的代码错误而更改了某些内容。

// If you create this inside the method than you'll lose everything everytime you call addItemLine
private ArrayList<lineItem> lineItems;

public void addItemLine(lineItem line){
      Scanner mykey=new Scanner(System.in);
      for (int i=0; i<2;i++){
      String k= line.getItemName();
      int m= line.getQuantity();
      double d= line.getPrice();   

      System.out.println("enter item name:");
      k = mykey.next();
      System.out.println("enter quantity:");
      m= mykey.nextInt();
      System.out.println("enter unit price:");
      d= mykey.nextDouble();
      line.getItemName(); line.getQuantity(); line.getPrice();
      lineItems.add(new lineItem(k,m,d));
      // This doesn't have to return anything, it just adds to the list

// No parameteres, this should build the string for the current object
public String toString() {
    // String concatenation is not the best idea, StringBuilder is better
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    // If you want to print all of them then you need to iterate over the list
    for (lineItem item : lineItems){
        sb.append("Customer ID:" + this.getcustomerID() + "\n" + "Customer Name: " + this.getcustomerName());
        for (int i=0; i<2;i++){
            // Copied from your code
            sb.append("\n\n" + lin.getItemName() + "\t" + "Qty" + lin.getQuantity() + " "+ "@" + lin.getPrice() + "  "+ "\t" + "$" + lin.getTotalPrice());  
    return sb.toString();



Enter customer name: Gilbert
Enter customer ID: 123
Enter item name: Spinach
Enter quantity: 5
Enter unit price: .89

Customer ID:   123
Customer Name: Gilbert

Spinach Qty 5         @0.89     $4.45

Enter item name: Corn
Enter quantity: 12
Enter unit price: .29

Customer ID:   123
Customer Name: Gilbert

Corn    Qty 12         @0.29    $3.4799999999999995

Enter item name: 

首先,让我们看一下您的Java对象。 您未包含的第一个Java对象是LineItem。 请注意,Java类名称以大写字母开头。

package com.ggl.transaction;

public class LineItem {
    private String itemName;
    private int quantity;
    private double price;

    public LineItem(String itemName, int quantity, double price) {
        this.itemName = itemName;
        this.quantity = quantity;
        this.price = price;

    public String getItemName() {
        return itemName;

    public void setItemName(String itemName) {
        this.itemName = itemName;

    public int getQuantity() {
        return quantity;

    public void setQuantity(int quantity) {
        this.quantity = quantity;

    public double getPrice() {
        return price;

    public void setPrice(double price) {
        this.price = price;

    public double getTotalPrice() {
        return price * quantity;




package com.ggl.transaction;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Transaction {
    private List<LineItem> lineItems;
    private int customerID;
    private String customerName;

    public Transaction(int customerID, String customerName) {
        this.customerID = customerID;
        this.customerName = customerName;
        this.lineItems = new ArrayList<>();

    public int getcustomerID() {
        return customerID;

    public void setcustomerID(int customerID) {
        this.customerID = customerID;

    public String getcustomerName() {
        return customerName;

    public void setcustomerName(String customerName) {
        this.customerName = customerName;

    public void addItemLine(LineItem line) {

    public void updateItem(String item, int quant, double pri) {
        LineItem l = new LineItem(item, quant, pri);
        int m = 0;
        m = l.getQuantity();
        m = m + quant;

    public double getTotalPrice() {
        double totalPrice = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            LineItem item = lineItems.get(i);
            totalPrice = totalPrice + item.getTotalPrice();
        return totalPrice;


    public String getLineItem(String s, int d, double k) {
        LineItem o = new LineItem(s, d, k);
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            if (!s.equals(o.getItemName()))
                System.out.println("item not found");
                s = (o.getItemName() + o.getQuantity() + o.getPrice());
        return s;

    public String toItemString(LineItem lin) {
        String b = "";

        String a = ("Customer ID:   " + this.getcustomerID() + "\n"
                + "Customer Name: " + this.getcustomerName());
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            b = ("\n\n" + lin.getItemName() + "\t" + "Qty " + lin.getQuantity()
                    + "         " + "@" + lin.getPrice() + "  " + "\t" + "$"
                    + lin.getTotalPrice() + "\n");
        return a + b;


我简化了您的addItemLine类。 使用Scanner类接收输入的代码属于TransactionTesting类。

我将您的toString方法重命名为toItemString。 toString是Object类的方法。 由于您的方法具有参数,因此我将其重命名以减少任何混乱。

最后,这是您的TransactionTesting类。 我已将其修复,因此可以正常工作。 您可以指定任意数量的订单项。 要停止处理,只需输入一个空白的项目名称。

package com.ggl.transaction;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class TransactionTesting {

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Scanner mykey = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("Enter customer name: ");
        String name = mykey.nextLine().trim();
        System.out.print("Enter customer ID: ");
        int id = Integer.valueOf(mykey.nextLine().trim());

        Transaction mytrans = new Transaction(id, name);
        boolean processing = true;
        while (processing) {
            System.out.print("Enter item name: ");
            String k = mykey.nextLine().trim();
            if (k.equals("")) {
                processing = false;
            } else {
                System.out.print("Enter quantity: ");
                int m = Integer.valueOf(mykey.nextLine().trim());
                System.out.print("Enter unit price: ");
                double d = Double.valueOf(mykey.nextLine().trim());

                LineItem lineItem = new LineItem(k, m, d);
                System.out.println("\n" + mytrans.toItemString(lineItem));




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